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Announcing Season 40 Preseason Cup and Season 40 Sponsored by Mannco.store!

Date October 5, 2021

Banner by soda

Welcome to our 40th Season of 6v6 Gaming!

While the teams were busy with their playoff games, everything was in the works to bring you our 40th Season of 6v6. We are very happy to be able to announce that our signups are open right now until October 21th 20.00 CEST!

>>>> Sign up now! <<<<


Thanks to all the community donations (especially Fr3unen and Hugonun) and our partner Mannco.store the prizepool is currently up to €2100! Additionally the winning squad will also take home 6 gaming mice sponsored by VAXEE.

  • gold medal 1st – €1100
  • silver medal 2nd – €650
  • bronze medal 3rd – €350

Donations through our Ko-Fi towards this season’s prizepool are still possible as well!

Season Schedule

  • Signups: October 4th – October 21st, 20:00 CEST (Premiership signups will close early, on October 15th at 21:00 CEST)
  • Publishing of Provisional Divisions: October 21st
  • Publishing of Final Divisions: October 23rd
  • Pre-Season Premiership Qualifiers: October 17th – October 24th
  • Main Season: October 24th – December 12th (7 Weeks)
  • Playoffs: December 12th – December 23rd

As the playoff schedule is rather short we will be more lenient in allowing games to be played after December 23rd when necessary.

Unlocks and Map Pool

Potential changes to the whitelist will be decided after the preseason cup!

Map pool

The following maps are confirmed to be in the season, the remaining two maps will be chosen after the preseason cup.

Preseason Cup

The cup will be a simple 3 matches group stage and playoff stage on Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th of October.


The whitelist.tf page for this whitelist can be found here. https://whitelist.tf/11968.

For server admins, remember that the command to execute the whitelist is the following: “rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 11968”.


  • Market Gardener


No changes will be tested.


Signups are open from 4th October until Thursday 14th October at 20:00 CEST.

Group Stage – Saturday 16th:

Round 1: 19:30 – koth_bagel_rc5
Round 2: 20:15 – cp_prolands_rc2p
Round 3: 21:00 – koth_clearcut_b15d

Playoff Stage – Sunday 17th:

Quarter Finals BO1: 19:15 – Ban/Ban/Decider
Semi Finals BO1: 20:15 – Ban/Ban/Decider
Grand Finals BO3: 21:00 – Pick/Pick/Decider

Main Season Sign-up Process

First and foremost you must sign up your team from there: https://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=comps

An email does not count as signing up to the upcoming season and is only meant to give further information regarding your team and its placement.

Please note that the success of your request also strongly depends on the free slots in the tier you aim for. Established teams will be favored over new teams or teams that request to jump a tier.

  • Premiership:

If you intend to sign up for the Premiership Tier we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Due to the Premiership Qualifiers happening while signups are still open, we will only consider teams for the Premiership Qualifiers that signed up before the scheduled deadline. Additionally, we expect teams without a guaranteed Premiership Division spot to be able to compete on the provided Premiership Qualifier dates.

We expect all aspiring Premiership Tier teams to either send us an email ([email protected]) or directly contact a league admin on Steam or Discord with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team BIG EXPLOSION, Premiership, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team Aoshis All Stars (Prem) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk losing their spot in the Premiership Qualifiers.

  • Division 1 and Division 2 (High):

If you intend to sign up for Division 1 or Division 2 you must sign up to “High tier” when signing up for the season. We encourage you to send us an email ([email protected]) with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team Blood is back, Division 2, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team Permzilla (Div2) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk not the be put in the division they hoped for.

  • Mid (Division 3 and Division 4) and Low (Division 5):

If you intend to sign up for Division 3 (Mid), Division 4 (Mid) and Division 5 (Low) and wish to be placed in a specific division/tier we encourage you to send us an email ([email protected]) with the following:
– Team name, Division you apply for and ETF2L link
– Roster
– Recent results and logs associated to them
– Reasons why your team deserves to be placed in the tier you applied for (optional)

Team Sunny White, Mid, https://etf2l.org/teams/1/
announce the roster with the classes

5-2 vs Team niGhtHeaLeR (Mid) : https://logs.tf/012345

Teams that do not send an email or contact admins risk not the be put in the division they hoped for.

  • Open (Division 6):

If you are applying for Division 6/Open tier (which is our entry division), you do not have to provide any proof that you are capable of playing at that level.


For all of you still reading, we would like to thank all players, organisations and casters who after all this time still put so much effort into this game. We wouldn’t have been able to make it this far without all the support we have gotten throughout all these years. Hoping to still see you around when season 50 rolls around.




  1. DuMmTm: TFTV - COGU said:

    The Market Gardener and its consequences have been a disaster for the TF2 playerbase.
    It has greatly decreased the life-expectancy of those of us who play in “advanced” divisions, and it has destabilized society, has made life unfulfilling, has subjected human beings to indignities, has led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World [Open] to physical suffering as well) and has inflicted severe damage on the natural world. It’s continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” divisions.

  2. Pepy said:


  3. mak FP: BIG said:

    oh my pog.

  4. laiky: YN - ONCE said:

    ok i pull up

  5. tok said:


  6. Refleks: (Media Producer) - HIV+ - L9 said:


  7. Dejvi: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Holy prize pool!

  8. Arentrir: L_? - HOUSE said:

    Rip spoon. It will return one day.

  9. cooney: BARBER said:

    Map pool looking like shit as always.

    Speaking of shit; please unban the jolly jingler

  10. wiita: myx - L9 said:

    ok i pull up

  11. MatZer said:

    Why Quickiebomb Launcher is still banned ??

  12. Offside: Exp said:

    Lmao, They are just nerfing my team at this point.

  13. red: SHISZA - HV said:

    wont miss MK at all

  14. coyo said:


    No changes will be tested.

    iron bombe.

  15. hr said:

    Who is making these weapon ban decisions? I’ve no problem with banning market gardener but lets make any decisions as a result of discussions with prem/d1 teams with clear reasoning and not a public poll after this cup.

    Also #FreeQuickiebombs

  16. coyo said:

    i almost agree with hr on something zomg its such a crazy day !

  17. LionKing: Dr. med. said:

    Why do we not test the iron bomber plugin in the preseason cup? Seems like a wasted oppurtunity. Especially in the following context:

    Quote from the Season 39: Whitelist and map pool update (https://etf2l.org/2021/06/24/season-39-whitelist-and-map-pool-update/#more-287541): “However, messing with the hitbox of the pipes on such short notice would not be beneficial for anyone in this scenario, especially without any data or feedback on the plugin. After the season we will look into the options of running this plugin, potentially using it in a cup setting to gain some data and feedback on the use of it.

    Any plans on when we are getting to test the plugin? My private tests so far have shown that the plugin works completely fine.

  18. mak FP: BIG said:

    why run a plugin to fix it when u can just ban it lol

  19. one said:

    can we add randomc rits pls :3

  20. Dombasek: :pray: said:

    After the preseason map cup, we have decided to add cp_metalworks and cp_granary_pro_rc8 to the map pool.

  21. Dombasek: :pray: said:

    also villa come back pls