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A new way to support ETF2L and Nations Cup #8: Captain Applications Update

Date May 3, 2021

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A new way to support ETF2L!

We’re happy to announce that an ETF2L Ko-Fi has been created. For those not familiar with Ko-Fi it is a donation platform much like Patreon. Ko-Fi allows us to easily accept donations without the donators having to commit to a monthly donation. Donations will be used to cover the costs of keeping the website running and to spice up the prize pools. You have a button just below but also a permanent button on the top right along with our Discord and Twitter links!

If you plan on donating and want to donate to the prize pool of specific game mode please note that in the donation comment.

For donations of 10€ or more please include your discord tag as well if you want a nice Donator role on our Discord! We are still looking into the option for a Donator role on site, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Nations Cup #8: Captain Applications – Updated

This is an update to show you which countries have had captains apply so far. In case you are contemplating to apply yourself. So far we have received applications from the following 30 countries:

  • Norway
  • Germany
  • Finland
  • Spain
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Greece
  • Czechia
  • Algeria
  • Estonia
  • England
  • Russia
  • Switzerland
  • Kazakhstan
  • Croatia
  • Lithuania
  • Saudi-Arabia
  • Poland
  • Ukraine
  • Hungary
  • Israel
  • Turkey
  • Portugal
  • Netherlands
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Sweden
  • Belarus
  • Denmark
  • Italy

Keep in mind though, that we only have room to accommodate a total of 32 teams, therefore as always, first come, first served!

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  1. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    Time to donate so I become nationcup captain

  2. Broly: T6 - MUUMIT said:

    ETF2L OnlyFans when

  3. Tonton Flairix: Aldi - iK said:

    Where is Bretagne’s Nation ?

  4. Fox: Wii - AoD said:

    Where is team USA? Do they not want to play this year because of the high ping, or have they just not applied yet?

  5. cooney: MAFIA said:


  6. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:

    I really like the detailed map