Sunday Night Bans, Staff Changes and an Update on our Demo Infraction Policy
May 26, 2019
Staff Changes and an open position on the Anti-Cheat team: Apply now!
We’re glad to announce that AlesKee has completed his trial and is now a part of the staff as a League Admin.
We’re also glad to announce that Samus has been promoted to Head Anti-Cheat admin.
Now with the good news out of the way we are sad to announce that Capu is leaving our Anti-Cheat team. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.
This leaves an open position for anyone interested in working for a league free from cheaters. Anti-Cheat admins ensure fair competition in the league by analyzing submitted evidence for signs of cheats and issuing bans to confirmed cheaters. Submitted evidence is rarely clear-cut – most cases are challenging and involve a fair bit of “forensic work”.
Anti-Cheat staff need to have a good sense of trust and morality, additionally be excited by detective work and technical aspects of the source engine that come with demo viewing and cheats and such. It’s also important to have no bias and be respectful of the democratic process on voting.
Please don’t be intimidated to apply, it’s a position that you can really only improve on with real experience.
For more information on how to apply, click here.
Please note that some of these bans were enacted before the release of this newspost.
The following player has been caught ban evading and cheating by the Anti-Cheat team. They are banned from ETF2L for 2 years:
The following players have been caught cheating. They are banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
The following players have been caught ban evading. Furthermore, avaster supported
Moonshine_‘s ban evasion. They are both banned from ETF2L for 1 year:
The following player used an alt account to smurf in the Fresh Meat Challenge and then evaded their ban to play in the competition again. Because of this, the original 6 months for ban evasion are extended by another year:
kekvl –
awoo /
The following players supported kekvl‘s ban evasion and are banned alongside him for 6 months:
The following player used multiple accounts to play in the same competition and is banned from ETF2L for 3 months:
The following players failed to provide a requested demo several times. They have been banned from ETF2L for their respective durations:
nagle – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
Shioto – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
Nyoucorn – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
beHqo – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
Frozman – not uploading demos twice – 2 weeks
samii – not uploading demos three times – 2 months
april – not uploading demos three times – 2 months
Just1s – not uploading demos three times (see below) – 2 months
The following players have been banned from ETF2L for 2 months for severe flaming in a match:
The following player has been banned from ETF2L for 2 weeks for committing a fraud attempt regarding a demo request:
The following players have been caught with VAC bans possibly affecting TF2, and will be banned from ETF2L for one year:
Ken Noguchi
Taco Panda
+ 153 inactive ETF2L accounts.
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
If you were banned due to a VAC ban on your Steam account that doesn’t affect TF2, please contact an admin to get the ETF2L ban removed.
Update on our Demo Infraction Policy
Old-time players normally collect a number of demo infractions during their time playing on ETF2L, just because of how the system works and the long time they have been active. To stop these players from getting banned for stacking multiple year old infractions, we are changing our demo policy: Infractions that are 4 years and older will be removed from a player’s infraction list and will no longer affect possible future bans.
Due to this change, Just1s‘s 1 year ban for failing to upload demos four times will be reduced to a 2 month ban.
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