Season 28 LBR1: Ascent.EU vs. Lowpander :-3
November 20, 2017
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The ETF2L S28 Premiership Playoffs continue with this do-or-die match between 3rd seed Politically correct pander and 4th seed
Both teams played very close matches against their opponents, though you might not believe the LEGO-Lowpander match was close if you only look at the 7-2 ETF2L point scoreline. Despite having Crayon and papi mercing for them, Lowpander were able to put up a very good showing against LEGO+ Drackk, taking a golden cap on Reckoner before losing Gullywash and Prolands by 1 round each, 5-4 and 2-1 respectively. Ascent.EU (+KRAFTYDAVE in for Néo) narrowly lost to 1st seed SVIFT 5-4, winning Gullywash 2-0 before narrowly losing Reckoner in a golden cap and falling on Process in an exciting 5-3 game.
When these two teams met in Week 2 of the regular season, the game was once again closer than the 5-1 scoreline would suggest, with Lowpander winning Prolands in a golden cap and taking Gullywash 4-2. Lowpander might want to take that result into account as they pick maps. However, with both teams fielding at least one merc/replacement for this game, and factoring in the experience both teams gained over the course of the season and the close matches they just had, this could be anybody’s game. Best of luck to both teams!
Casters will be alba and WARHURYEAH, with degu on production!
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