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Highlander Season 11 Provisional Tiers

Date October 29, 2016

In the link down below you can find the provisional tiers.

Provisional Tiers

Due to the limited signups we’ve merged High and Mid to get a better working group for Swiss. We’ll be using accelerated pairing to make the first couple of weeks fair.

Complaints about your tier can be done until 22 CEST today.


  1. chando: ..d1ck said:

    high/mid is this a joke

  2. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  3. Ignis: MAFIA said:


  4. Forty-Two: LOOΠΔ said:

    signups FeelsBadMan

  5. chando: ..d1ck said:

    gg top mid team dreams.

  6. Yxxo: TSM - pizza said:


  7. juju: █▄ █▄█ █▄ - Tissi said:

    this must be a joke

  8. Silver Tosspot: (°)> said:


  9. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    S U C C

  10. Akuma: kevin said:

    Are you guys serious about that High/ Mid thing? This is not even CLOSE to being fair at all. Even if you “make the first weeks be fair”. What the hell?

  11. Zamparonie: op_sqd said:

    ugc > etf2l ?

  12. Lurkki: SCOOPER - MUUMIT said:

    y tho

  13. 31: ceo said:

    Just tell me this is a prank plz, this season is just a joke!

  14. Nightmare said:

    This season is going into history as the biggest highlander joke of all time.

  15. Sodium: (Head Admin) - fluffy - .be said:

    Good thing the first couple off weeks will be fair ;)
    On another note, how do you plan splitting them again next season? Or am I thinking to much ahead now?

  16. Forty-Two: LOOΠΔ said:

    ^ very doubtful, I imagine this decline in signups is only going to increase with each consecutive season, sadly

  17. Forty-Two: LOOΠΔ said:

    the ^ was pointing at nightmare’s comment btw

  18. Sodium: (Head Admin) - fluffy - .be said:

    Given the kind of joke thos season is becoming you might be right about that one

  19. chando: ..d1ck said:

    Is a real shame. After such a good preseason prem playoffs and the Invite Cup with (for HL’s standards) a decent looking prize pool, I expected quite a hyped season…

    If an admin could answer this though: are smaller brackets for each div worse than ruining the season for many good mid teams who practically have no chance of achieving because (through no fault of their own) they’ve been thrown in with more experienced teams composed of more experienced players? If so, why are smaller divisions so bad.

    I’m not trying to stir up hate, genuinely would like to know the thought process behind this…

  20. Included_Middle: Bully said:

    @chandos Remember when it was 8 teams in each div? If a team quit mid season it was unfair to the teams they had already played since all the other teams get defaults, the swiss system stops this by getting enough teams in a div such that a few drop outs influences the season less. Also with the old system you have multiple div 3’s etc and some would be more difficult to win than others making it unfair to some teams getting put in the harder div 3 (or any div with multiple varients). Obviously the swiss system has problems too like needing really 16 teams to be effective (among other things). I personally would have liked a 16 team high and 16 team mid (but this would require moving up some open teams into mid).

  21. Cronk: ︻芫═一☺ - Lucrosa said:


  22. MrSmithers: doggo said:

    rest in matioo in high/mid is a joke, theyve won one game accross a full season of open and the hlo

  23. WML said:



  24. Kosuke: YN said:

    Great no point playing now just to be steamrolled by feila and other top high teams gg

  25. Fire: SENS said:

    nice meme

  26. WRU said:

    i dont even know what’s more sad, the fact that theres only 3 divs or that dqz is prem soldier now

  27. Fire: SENS said:

    u havin a laugh m8


  28. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    You guys seem to not understand how a swiss style tournament works. Let me help you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss-system_tournament

  29. chando: ..d1ck said:

    @Middle, I see your point but is a few default wins for teams worse than making around 50% of the teams in the high/mid bracket have little to no chance of accomplishing anything? It’s easy for this decision not to affect you (similarly most of the admin team that presumably made this decision), but I can sympathise with the teams who spent months grinding in the hopes to win mid, who now have basically no chance against Feila, Frosties, Invision etc. I mean these are teams that were competitng for PREM and now will just shit all over solid MID teams.

    Regardless of the flaws the old system with regards to teams dropping out, it’s a small price to pay for having fair and balanced divs. Not to mention the teams that may drop out of this div due the frustration of knowing all their hard work over the months has been in vein…

  30. 31: ceo said:

    I guess ugc is a choice now

  31. WML said:

    Also if you’re gonna use accelerated pairings to make games more fair WHY NOT JUST SPLIT THE TEAMS YOU PICK INTO HIGH AND MID???

  32. Sheezer: VBRNC said:

    Good joke, my good

  33. Brian: (Senior Anti-Cheat Admin) - hp said:

    I wouldnt be suprised if teams are killed over this, making it so fucking ironic. I honestly cant imagine anyone thought this was a good idea surely, even at this point merging open and mid would have been better, as half the teams in open are sandbagging probably.

    Honestly quite hyped for this season as mid looked interesting as did high, but I guess you’ve ruined it with this shit. Have fun top mid teams being bottom of high and dying mid season as low mid teams will just play open now, leaves the teams who wanted to win something and improve to get fucked and die.

    Stop becoming UGC please and making stupid decisions or your league will end up like it, with shitty NA silver players in NA platinum getting stomped by KND and dK and dying mid season.

  34. 30.06: RATS said:

    Why not do
    Open / Mid

  35. Gorzum said:

    Because then there would be like 55+ teams in open/mid and only 15 if not less in High ; their goal was to make sure there was enough teams in each division but it’s just ruining everyone’s plans

  36. sasami: ERCAPITANO - VR said:

    I know that no one cares about open but yeah,top high 6s players and Catman shouldn’t be allowed to play open imho

  37. Harry: MAGDONAL - :Blinky: said:


  38. Just1s: JUMP said:

    Well last season high had 18 teams. And if you take away the teams that dropped high had 14 teams.

  39. Kosuke: YN said:

    they could ask top open and top mid teams do they mind moving up a div to even out to numbers as i can think of 4-5 teams in both who prop wouldn’t mind just to make a better season but then again that will still not be enough for Swiss :<

  40. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    Sometimes I am really wondering if people understand the concept of the swiss system at all. If they did half of the comments here would not have been posted.

    Based on the information we have (and everyone that’s not an admin does not have) regarding signups and the respective tier applications, we have run through several scenarios to see what the outcome would be for each one of them. What you see as the provisional divisions right now is the best one of these scenarios. None of the suggested solutions in the comments would properly work given the circumstances.

    We are also looking into still having mid tier playoffs. We still know which teams signed up for which tier and we also have rough skill estimation system in place behind the scenes. So there are options.

    To the guy that asked why catman’s team is in Open. Feel free to contact me and name all the 6s high players (except catman, if you really want to consider him a High 6s player) who are in the team at the time of this comment and I will pay you 100€ for each one of them.