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Season 25 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Delay! and Poll

Date September 1, 2016


Season 25 delay

Due to it being highly requested, we've decided to delay Season 25 by 1 week. Here is the new schedule.

  • Signups: August 27 - September 15, 21:00 CEST (Premiership signups will close early, on the 10th of September at 21:00 CEST)
  • Publishing of Provisional Divisions: September 16
  • Publishing of Final Divisions: September 17
  • Pre-Season Premiership Playoffs: September 11 - September 16
  • Main Season: September 18 - November 03 (7 Weeks)
  • High/Mid/Open Playoffs: November 10 - November 24
  • Premiership Finals: November 20

>>> Sign up now! <<<

The previous post has been edited to match this as well. We apologize for any possible confusion this may cause. We're still looking for feedback for the season in the Preseason cup feedback thread. We'll post an announcement regarding the maps and whitelist as soon as we've gathered as much info as possible.


Apart from that we've set up some quick polls for decissions regarding season 25 that you can find back either on the separate page or down below.

Season 25 Preseason: Allow the Pomson 6000?

Total Voters: 542

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Season 25 Preseason: Allow the Brass Beast?

Total Voters: 537

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Season 25 Preseason: Allow the Cow Mangler 5000?

Total Voters: 543

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Season 25 Preseason: Allow Weapon Pickups?

Total Voters: 546

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Season 25 Preseason: Which map should get used in the season?

Total Voters: 550

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Season 25 Preseason: Which is your most disliked map from the Season 24 map pool?

Total Voters: 547

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Season 25 General: Should we open a Discord server? (This wouldn't be usable for admin requests yet)

Total Voters: 511

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  1. maly: KARAS said:

    Hope granary & reckoner stay in the pool

  2. MoreBuckets! said:

    Sunshine FTW!!

  3. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    Just add another week to the regular season so no map has to be removed and sunshine can be added P:

  4. Funs said:

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴛғ2ʟ ɢᴏᴅs ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  5. kuli: (EF2TL Doatnor) - BMS said:

    “Should we open a Discord server? (This wouldn’t be usable for admin requests yet)”

    Why bother then in the first place?!

  6. Agen said:

    pls no cowmangler

  7. Fuxx said:

    Reminder to vote no to all laser guns until the projectiles are more visible, correspond to the hitboxes and come with a trailing sound instead of being inaudible after firing.

  8. Fuxx said:

    Reminder the Cow Mangler is a straight upgrade to the rocketlauncher.

  9. adysky said:

    Reminder that pomson still drains uber

  10. TimTum: (ETF2L Donator) - myx said:

    The Cow Mangler isn’t a straight upgrade, you do less damage to buildings and you can’t kritz a Cow Mangler.

  11. damneasy said:


  12. whiteee: autism.tf said:

    @timtum while it isnt a straight upgrade by itself, it is a straight upgrade in 6s, as you wont find yourself fighting engies that much except on last pushes maybe and kritz-wise, you are going to kritz the demo most of the times anyway, or you can just swap soldiers if you have one using the cow mangler and one using the stock. the alt-fire + infinite ammo is h u g e

  13. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    @kuli, do note on the word “yet”, as we would be open on using Discord for admin requests if it was not for the lack of verification of users even by Steam, and because of that we have not started on programming any bot for that yet. The reason why we would be willing to give it a try already now is to slowly move on from IRC to a more up to date solution later when we are able to.

  14. kuli: (EF2TL Doatnor) - BMS said:

    I’m aware, Bloodis. IRC is essentially dead. Nonetheless: Release things when they’re done and ready to be used by everyone. That’s all I’m saying.

  15. Phnx: L_? said:

    you can’t vote against cp_sunshine as worst map in season 24, why?

  16. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Please don’t assume everyone voting for reckoner wants sunshine in. Awful phrasing of question to ask imo. This won’t give you the answer you want.

  17. bum: Dancer said:

    fuck cow mangler

  18. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    Cowmangler4life (please allow it) FeelsGoodMan

  19. Spriggan said:

    reminder that reckoner is a shittest map in etf2l mappool of all time

  20. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    of all time? I don’t know man. There’s been some bad maps over the years.

  21. Aoshi: (Legend) - .be said:

    @Kuli, even if you cant use it for admin requests yet it would be a platform we can use to already communicate smoother with the player base. If it already works out for that purpose it will only get better once we can get it to work for admin requests.

    @Phoenix, because sunshine wasn’t in season 24.

    @Permzilla, I think I understand what you mean. This was made last minute as we were trying to get everything for season 25 sorted out so that is why it is formulated like it is. These poll results aren’t absolutes but are a great help when it comes to looking at what the players want and we’ll take any data over no data.

  22. kaptain: wG said:

    PLeAse no cow mangler