DeutschLAN sponsored by Matches and Schedule are now live!
September 2, 2015
UPDATE: LAN Attendees – check out the check-list here for LAN! If you are under 18 and attending, make sure you fill out the form linked on the check-list and bring it to LAN!
*cough cough*… *clearing throat*… *playing 20th Century Fox music*…
Well, hello there, TF2 Community! Have you missed us? We know, it has been a while since we had a frontpage newpost on… but we are back! As they say: “After the LAN is before the LAN!” (Winston Churchill – or something).
I55 has come to an end and with it fades the summer. There is only one LAN Highlight left this year, and it is DeutschLAN! Since we have been somewhat behind with news, here is a whole bunch of them!
Fixtures for DeutschLAN are now live!
We are now proud to announce that the schedule and matches are now public for DeutschLAN 2015! You can view them from the widgets below, scrolling down to see the details:
Team List (in order of seed placement)
Fair Enough
- LANpander
- German Intuition
Doctors Of Mediocrity
- Operation LAN-Love
RIP Harambe
Some teams do not have a full ETF2L roster yet, thus they are not linked.
Schedule (times in CEST)
Scroll through these widgets to see every single fixture, the tables and the exact time schedule for each match! You can also find it on our website,
A couple of teams are dealing with last-minute-LANdodgers. If you feel like you want to participate after all, use our steamgroup or the recruitement thread! now live!
Our website has gone live a couple of days ago. Still under construction it is soon to contain all info and news you need for the LAN! We highly recommend you to check it out regularly, especially if you are participating!
Mode, whitelist, maps and rules
As you may have figured by scrolling through the widgets above, we will have 9 Highlander Teams battling for the crown of DeutschLAN. Thus, we decided to have a round robin tournament, in which every team faces each other once! The first three teams will then advance, with the 1st seat automatically reaching the Grand Finals and the 2nd and 3rd seat playing a Best-of-3 maps match to decide who gets the second spot! kindly provides us with a preset for DeutschLAN. However, it is the exact same one that is used in the Highlander Nations Cup. If you want to check it out anyway:
The maps featured in this tournament are going to be:
- pl_badwater_pro_v8
- pl_upward
- pl_barnblitz_pro6
- koth_lakeside_final
- koth_product_rc8
- koth_warmtic_b6
- cp_steel
- cp_gullywash_final1
- cp_process_final
Each map will be played as a single match according to the UGC ruleset, i.e.:
- Stopwatch: ABBA (Best-of-3)
- King of the Hill: Best-of-7 (first to 4 round wins with halftime after 3rd round win)
- 5cp: First to 5 or 2 x 30 minutes, whichever comes first. If tied, Golden Cap (15 minutes). After 15 minutes: whoever holds mid.
Please note, that we do not allow medigun pickups for this tournament.
Tiebreakers (only necessary for playoff-spot seeding):
- 2-Way-Ties: Winner of direct matchup
- 3-Way-Ties: Heavy Fist Fights
Fundraiser ends this week (for real this time)
We extended the fundraiser when the Highlander Nationscup started but now it is time to wrap it up and let it rest.
You can claim some last-minute-perks until wednesday, but please note that we cannot guarantee you a T-Shirt anymore, if you claim it now. The Shirts are already being printed by as you read this. Our sponsor will also accept donations that are going towards the prizepool. Click here for info.
The campaign has raised 2.514 € so far, which is more than we could ever have hoped for! Thanks to everyone that donated or contributed in any way!
Speaking of wrap-ups: if you still feel like helping out, you can provide us with gift-wraps for the weapons that are going to be signed. We need over 50 of them, feel free to contact any DeutschLAN staffmember!
Do not miss our casts!
BlackoutTV will cover at least one match of every round, so check out the schedule and make sure to tune in on time!
For the participants:
There will be a form sheet for the underaged boys and girls. We know, we have said this before, but we really, really mean it this time! Keep checking the steamgroup, the etf2l-forumthread and (as you should regardless) for updates on that front.
We are in need of cameramen. Clark volunteered to produce a little documentary about the LAN. He needs your help at LAN for filming and a possibly some other tasks. Please contact him, if you would like to help (hello, spectators!).
Furthermore, we would like to ask any participant that owns a GoPro to bring it to LAN. Whether it will be used for streaming or the documentary, it will help us out a lot either way!
Moving on…. we have contacted your teamleaders to provide us with details about your arrivals. We will need your help to pick up those players that are coming by train/bus. Anyone with a car and a bit of time to spare is welcome to help pick up players from the nearest train stations (7-15km one way). Of course, we will use money from the fundraiser to reimburse gas cost and such.
Oh, and for those of you already arriving on thursday, because you just cant wait (like me): You can pay the additional 15€ when you arrive at LAN!
For those of you new to and interested in this event, check out our official announcement post, the previous fundraiser announcement and, most importantly, the official DeutschLAN forum thread here on Spread the word and let the world know!
hype is real
Good job Stinson, really great post.
What’s with the decision to use the UGC rules? All they do is make boring maps take even longer than they should. I’m looking at you, Process
Highlander, a form of 9v9, is the largest competitive Team Fortress format. Its similarities to average public servers makes it an ideal starting point for new players, and its requirement that each team has one of every class means no matter what you like to play, there’s a spot on the team for you. No skill required KappaPride
nice job stinson is still accepting donations to get DM slot, unlock all perks & announcers while increasing the DeutschLAN prizepool.
also hyped and keen as fuck >:)
WHY DO WE HAVE A FINNISH FLAG?!? Literally triggered
Every match will only have 1 map each. we figured only playing 30 minutes on 5cp and a Bo5 on KOTH would not be enough (thats why in ETF2L seasons these are paired together into one match)
We pulled the shortest straw… having to sit out Upward. I’m calling it rigged, why not let us sit out koth_cancerside. Such a terrible map and I still don’t get how it’s actively played..
ME!ME!MEMES to take it
See you on lan!
unu should i change it to Sweden? OpieOP
I would also like to add that if all of you who would like to help with shooting could bring your own cameras that would be great.
what did you expect lol
Unu, you should carry that flag to the Victory with pride! ;)
All you kidz — I hope you have an awesome LAN.
GL, HF to all teams :)
Shoutout to Bloody for not starting a fundraiser for me))
Go doctors! Go doctors!!!
Time to fire up tf2center to get some quality scrims
sooooooo hyyyyyypeeed
I am also very hyped. It slipped in to my dreams yesterday but there was not much gaming going on in that dream, it was more like summer camp. People playing football, going for a swim etc. Very weird.
mostly buttsex tho
I can do a vlog of the brits on the train