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ETF2L Highlander Season 7 powered by Tt eSPORTS – Wrap Up and Awards

Date February 2, 2015


Highlander Season 7 Wrap Up

After a season split up by the holidays, we can finally reflect back on one that was filled with action. From the pre-season upsets during the TFTV Invitational to the very last games in the Premiership Grand Finals. The days that SouthKorea SNSD won every season are long over.

After a promising 3rd place in the TFTV HL Invitational Cup, International Voodooh faced tough opponents, but got a break by barely securing a win over Finland hePPa. But apparently they lost their drive as the season went on, and won’t be guaranteed of a premiership slot in Season 8.

Finland hePPa had a rough season too, but winning a map in week 2 placed them in a relegation slot, and were going to battle over their premier spot against European ResidentSleeper. However, the latter forfeited the match, giving Finland hePPa a secure spot in next season’s Premiership Division.

The Highlander Season 5 champions European Kill Switch were unfortunate to undergo big roster changes, that eventually led to them trailing off from week 4 and onwards.

Yet again Slovakia Fair Enough barely missed playoffs. This team is held together by the power of friendship and Switzerland HartzFartz yelling, Finland Qnai telling him to shut up, and Germany Blooddrunk clicking on heads. But four wins and three losses was not enough to move on.

The team that did make the playoffs was Ireland Stacked. the team led by the Irish Youtube superstar Ireland b33p had a decent season, but ended it by getting a default win from  European Kill Switch.
However they forfeited a point by accumulating so many minor warnings that it stacked up to a major warning.
This tied them with European PremTech where a tense playoff game sadly left Ireland Stacked on a 4th place.

Ending on second place in the regular season, European Highpander© had to defend their title no matter what. But holidays happen and roster changes meant that England Hildreth couldn’t continue his habit of playing in the grand finals.

Moving on to the team that ended up fulfilling their promise of making top 3, European PremTech made it to the grand finals.
The team with an American powerhouse with UnitedStates Nursey on medic and UnitedStates Kresnik on heavy tried to show how TF2 should be played. They got really close but they had to acknowledge that there was one team that bested them in the end.

On top during the main season, and eventually winning the grand finals was UnitedKingdom BreakfasT_Jr and a few others in European Tourettes Chessclub

We now have our brand new champions in the highest level competitive European highlander has to offer

Congratulations to the champions: European Tourettes Chessclub !
They will be taking home €500 and the chance to defend their title in Season 8

The winners are:

  • Latvia atomic- – Scout
  • Latvia uubers – Soldier
  • Denmark Scissors – Pyro
  • Germany quintosh – Demoman
  • UnitedKingdom BreakfasT_Jr– Heavy
  • UnitedKingdom B4n4n4m4n – Engineer
  • Lithuania Spreijer – Medic
  • Belarus tracker – Sniper
  • Sweden Khazul – Spy

Congratulations to the teams that got top 3 in the Premiership Division:

  • gold medal European Tourettes Chessclub – 500€ Prize
  • silver medal European PremTech – 350€ Prize
  • bronze medal European Highpander© – 150€ Prize

Highlanders season 7 Awards

Of course we can’t close off a season without having an award show, this season the public voted on the following players as the top of their respective categories:

  •  Scout of the Season: Italy sorex
  •  Soldier of the Season: Russia ShaDowBurn
  •  Pyro of the Season: European Steve!
  •  Demoman of the Season: England Hildreth
  •  Heavy of the Season: UnitedKingdom BreakfasT_Jr
  •  Engineer of the Season: Germany quintosh
  •  Medic of the Season:  Finland Kissakala
  •  Sniper of the Season: Finland Tseini
  •  Spy of the Season: Norway polar
  •  Most Valuable Player of the Season: Russia ShaDowBurn
  •  Premiership Debut of the Season: Russia ShaDowBurn
  •  Caster of the Season: Spain CeeJaey

You can catch all VODs casted by BlackOutGamingTV here.

Who won your division?

The following teams have reached the top of their division, thus granting them a guaranteed promotion to a higher division for the next season. In the case of division 6, second place also guarantees a promotion:

  • gold medal Division 1: Russia WASP
  • gold medal Division 2: UnitedKingdom UKIP
  • gold medal Division 3A: European GODL MEDEL!!
  • gold medal Division 3B: Seychelles Chessclub JR
  • gold medal Division 4A: European Gun Art
  • gold medal Division 4B: Denmark The Complete Bankers
  • gold medal Division 5A: European Team Colonslash: Frosties
  • gold medal Division 5B: Finland Saukot
  • gold medal Division 5C: France Banter Bus Boys
  • gold medal Division 6A: European Lesk
  • gold medal Division 6B: Germany Vier // Green ° Highlander
  • gold medal Division 6C: European r/ip and European Team Delta Pigs
  • gold medal Division 6D: Spain Spanish Bastards
  • gold medal Division 6E: China Ricefields' Dudes
  • gold medal Division 6F: Hungary White Storm

Pixel trophies have been given out, and in-game medals will be awarded to winners and participants once they are added to the item schema. Medals will be issued to players who were on team rosters at the time of the roster lock, so you may now change your roster as you see fit.


  1. nole: BWB said:

    *cough* Division 5B: T-A!: Tactical Ragequit *cough*

  2. RTC said:

    fucks sake rogue, why couldn’t you let bat play against us

  3. J.Kassing said:

    *cough* cheater *cough*

  4. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:

    Rogue PJSalt

  5. BAITO: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    Btw Voodooh were 4th in the invitational cup, PremTech was 3rd

  6. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Bulow didn’t win best caster? Rigged.

  7. Beckler: (ETF2L Donator) - ★GF - Dr. med. said:

    Well, at least we know TR won fair and square, too bad the team is no more =(

  8. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    I didn’t win best medic? What a joke…

  9. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    17:42 – Hartz #deutschLAN: und noch kein #fuckhartz in den komments

  10. Blooddrunk: Nein said:

    Congrats to everyone!

  11. Spycy: TC.Express said:

    How comes bulow isnt caster of the season ?!?

  12. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    Why is it so hard to understand that we didn’t have a heavy, nor medic, nor an active spy to play the relegation *.*

  13. Nik: MEGA$$ said:

    Anyway congratulations to all the winners!

  14. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    Congratulations all around, it was a good season!

    I would like to say considering how community-driven competitive TF2 is, the whole Reservoir affair was poorly handled. Not communicating and simply sitting out the huge amount of (constructive) criticism was very disappointing.

  15. oxocuboid: (ETF2L Donator) - LOOΠΔ said:

    Tactical Ragequit, forever butthurt.

  16. firej said:

    Chess won 2 divs in 1 season

  17. Reservoir Dog: TC.Express said:

    +1 to Selek, couldn’t have put it better myself.

    Congrats to winners! :)

  18. WML said:

    Who the fuck is damneasy?

  19. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    I don’t consider this a real season because Bulow was not present.

    Bring in Season 8 plz.

  20. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


  21. Raf: FRENCHGOAT - hlpugs said:

    Lol only 1 guy is player of the season in the winner team what a joke

  22. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    Killswitch got 1 in season 5. Pandas got 3 in season 6. Chessclub got 2 in season 7. (quintosh + breakfast_jr). You’ll find the teams who win prem tend to have a very strong 9 player lineup, so it’s harder for an individual to stand out unless you play for Stacked.

  23. Spreijer: CONCORDIA said:

    I agree with lazybear that b33p should’ve been the mvp.

  24. b33p: (ETF2L Donator) - -st- said:

    I agree with Lazybear’s sentiment that we should talk about Stacked some more.

  25. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    We all agree

  26. DamnEasy said:

    breakfastjr is only good because he gets all the heals