Shopping online this Christmas? Why not help ETF2L!

Date December 10, 2014

Black Friday and Cyber Monday may be behind us, but if you are like me and you like to do your Christmas shopping online (and as late as possible) then why not help ETF2L to raise funds to give back to the community by taking advantage of our Retail Partnerships we hold with both Amazon and Ebay?

As some of you may be aware from earlier this year, ETF2L has an affiliation with Amazon and Ebay (for certain countries only) which allows ETF2L to gain some extra money to put towards the league prizes. For those unfamiliar with the partnership, the first thing you should know is it is absolutely free and does not cost you a penny extra when you shop online at Amazon or Ebay, the only difference will be that you navigate yourself to the website using a link from us, other than this you will shop as normal and make your purchases for your secret Santa’s gift package and the organisation you buy from will send us a percentage of the sale. Effectively you would be donating to ETF2L with every purchase made online at these selected retailers, allowing us to increase the total amount of funds for future seasons, especially for lower division.

For those who wish to find out more about how this works, please visit our Retail Partners page.

For those who are about to order themselves something online at any of these websites, don’t make the same mistake as the author of this newspost and spend a load of money on new hardware on Amazon only to realise you could have been getting some of that back next season after winning some awesome cash prizes whilst playing our favourite game! Check below to begin:





  1. ondkaja: IKEA said:

    So who is the author of this newspost?!?!

  2. Hot said:

    santa wrote it

  3. Setlet said:

    S E L L O U T B O Y S

  4. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Oops, I forgot lolz

    I’ve given you enough anyway!

  5. Lazybear: MUUQ - itsallgood said:

    This is just if you’re planning to shop anyway, these affiliate links will help ETF2L with prize money etc for no extra cost to you. ETF2L will always be free for players obviously. Most free leagues do this because it’s a win-win.

  6. Menty: myx - Nein said:

    $$$ for etf2l

  7. Gentleman Jon said:

    Change your bookmarks. Change your parents bookmarks. Change your companies procurement policy.

  8. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    u wot

  9. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    There is literally nothing wrong with this

  10. Salem said:


  11. Droidster: tavi said:

    guys cant you see through permzillas lies??? this is clearly a ploy to get more money from his minions and use it to fund the german takeover of esports worldwide! #impeachpermzilla #germanleageu

  12. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    expect mad $$$ from my christmas shopping

  13. Hildreth: Bully - Pander said:

    Same thing was posted about 9 months ago, it’s merely a reminder.

  14. Steve!: S-O said:

    I just spent like 70 quid on amazon before seeing this post ._.

  15. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    We bought a bridge table for my mother for a hundred odd quid through this. Season 20 better be fucking good (v)o_O(V)

  16. HBFS: YUGO said:

    Just bought a Rolex Submariner. Enjoy it, poor bastards.

  17. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    Roughly how much is converted into funds for ETF2L?

  18. Gentleman Jon said:

    @Sideshow, it depends on how much is sold, it’s a % which goes up the more items are bought through the links. So even if it’s a small thing it helps the overall percentage for stuff everyone else buys. Now get spending

  19. Thalash: wG - S-O said:
