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Experimental Highlander Cup #5 – Brackets and Rule Update

Date June 4, 2014

Edit: Teams are reminded that they can use up to three mercs by default for this cup.

Experimental Highlander Cup #5

Thirty two brave teams have signed up for an adventurous night or two on some untested maps as ETF2L bring you the Experimental Highlander Cup #5! The brackets for this cup have now been released, teams are to play to the schedule outlined below. Dropped teams are to contact an admin in IRC so a replacement team from the waiting list can step in.  


>>> [ High | Low ] <<<

Note: If your team name is not on the linked brackets, you'll be on the waiting list. It is recommended to teams on the waiting list to be ready to play and replace dropped teams. The earlier you signed up, the more likely you will be needed to play. To ensure the cup goes smoothly, teams are reminded to make sure they have the most up to date version of the maps installed on their servers. These are:


  • 20:00 – Ro16 - koth_fuel_a4
  • 20:45 – Ro8 - cp_intermodal_rc3a
  • 21:30 – Ro4 - pl_rust_b7
  • Grand Final – Best of 3 played by Thursday 12th June 23:59.

Bracket Finals

All matches leading up to the final will be played over a single map using the ETF2L Highlander Season 6 ruleset (HL Season 6 Rules & General Rules). However, the final will be a best of three using the three maps from this cup. Teams will pick one map each with the third map left as a decider map. Teams are free to schedule these matches to a date that suites them although these will have to be played by Thursday 12th June 23:59. Finals which have not been scheduled by Monday 9th will be defaulted to Thursday at 20:00cet.

Rule Update

Teams are advised that there is a bug on pl_rust_b7 where a blue player can get into the red forward spawn. Teams caught using this bug will be instantly disqualified from the cup. As a general rule, teams are reminded these are maps in development so there maybe other bugs within the maps. ETF2L recommends teams who find an issue with a map not to use them to gain an advantage or else they risk having their results in this cup void. Anybody who finds a bug please leave them in the feedback thread so the map author is aware.


Players are encouraged to give feedback and include match records like POV/STV demos and logs in the individual map topics linked above. Even if the feedback is quite minimal, anything constructive can go a long way helping the author make their map better.  


  1. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    sorry for the disgusting visual aspects of the newspost, its my fault o/

  2. Alezilon: TC.Express said:

    inb4 people complaining about brackets

  3. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    lol our first match is against div 4 ‘muricans

  4. ondkaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    you should rename high bracket to low bracket #2

  5. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    We have to play against sigma but it’s okay

  6. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Intermodal’s got the most potential out of the lot. Fuel is just average and Rust is fucking awful to play (especially the last point) and poorly optimised.