Season 14 powered by Twitch – Award polls
April 14, 2013
Now the main meat of the season and the play-off dessert are over, all that remains are the after-dinner mints and a much larger bill than you were expecting. The ETF2L Season awards have been around for as long as anyone can remember and there’s a reason why; people actually seem to take them seriously. Below are the nominations for every category:
Season 14: Medic of the Season
Total Voters: 901

Season 14: Demoman of the Season
Total Voters: 892

Season 14: Scout of the Season
Total Voters: 874

Season 14: Pocket of the Season
Total Voters: 876

Season 14: Roamer of the Season
Total Voters: 878

Season 14: Off-Classer of the Season
Total Voters: 856

Season 14: Best Player of the Season
Total Voters: 852

Season 14: Carry of the Season
Total Voters: 847

Season 14: Best Premier Debut of the Season
Total Voters: 832

Season 14: Upcoming Player of the Season
Total Voters: 733

Season 14: Most Surprising Team of the Season
Total Voters: 794

Season 14: Caster of the Season
Total Voters: 842

Note: Best player of the season is substantially different than Carry of the season. CotS is team-dependant and the nominated player strongly influenced their standing, whereas player of the season is independent of team and is given to the most skilled player.
Every voter gets two votes for caster of the season and one vote for everything else.
Edit: For clarification, since there seems to be quite a few people confused about how the nominees for the Season 14 powered by Twitch awards have been decided. We did not randomly select whoever we deemed suitable for said awards or anything like that. In fact ETF2L was pretty much excluded in the whole nominee deciding process, all we did was relay the awards we wanted to Pirate Radio. They then chose a panel of 18 players, mainly from the Premier Division, to decide the nominees for each award. The top3 (and in some cases top4 in case of a tie between two or more players) then made it into the polls for the awards. You can watch the whole award show in the following video:
The polls will probably be open until there are clear winners for each award or until there are only very few votes per day rolling in or until the end of the Season 15 signups.
vote ipz for best roamer of the season who plays pocket
Tek easily off-classer of the season. Meta-changing spy backcaps.
ryb didn’t make the cut?
No justice!
Easiest pick in history: Hycz
I don’t get why you ever decided to complicate the nomination now?
It was so much easier when the community voted for the players to compete in the TOP3 voting. And now you just deprived us from such a possibility.
Ryb did really well in the end of the season. I think he might have a chance to compete in the top3 votings as much as bybben, because he was the key player in our team.
And they are not in the award polls.
Wait what, no brego for debut of the season, and harbleu nominated for roamer of the season depsite playing pocket, where have these nominations come from?
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS [Archives]
20-06-2012 16:28 Week 7 (Premier Division) Punchline smooth criminals 6 – 0
18-06-2012 23:20 Week 6 (Premier Division) Quarantine smooth criminals 3 – 3
13-06-2012 22:29 Week 5 (Premier Division) Team Infused smooth criminals 6 – 0
LOL where is kalho? He is the best tf2 player, and etf2l didnt put him in award poll. Kalho, in my opinion you win… in all categories
i like how u ( the admin) only answer his stupid question and not the one which points out the fail in the admin team
i lke cheese
All the nominations were done by Pirate Radio afaik. ETF2L just run the polls.
It is obviously the fail of the admin team, when the nominations done by a panel of prem players decides the top 3 (or top 4 in case of a tie) for each award. Makes sense.
ipz played more matches as pocket than roamer as well, yet he ends up in roamer of the season. Maybe harbleu left a better impression as roamer, who knows.
damm so many good casters, I cant vote for just 1 or 2 :P
– cya next season guys and girls. have fun good luck etc. oh and pls support broder so they can show their power @i49 and we all can have some fun
harbleu didn’t play a single game as roamer this season, so those who nominated him should feel bad
Or maybe his team should feel bad, who knows!
letting some druggies run the nominations, what a shame etf2l
Why didn’t we get to nominate? :(
I was going to nominate olurist20052005 for people’s choice award.
Kinda disappointed to not see bybben in there, he improved so much during this season to the point where he can shine next to cookye.
Mike da best !
Hahaha dat logic
can you make it so I could revote? didnt know you could vote for 2 casters -_-
Ako, what? Improved? This guy’s been playing competitive on a top level for ages now, he’s way ahead of most of the nominees here.
i must have the lowest win/nomination ratio in the league after these polls
Just give the award to Pledge….rediculous amount of back to back casts :-)
to be fair, dc kinda felt like they had two roamers heh.
Ye my bad, never knew brego had actually joined decerto before, I thought he was a dead cert for debut of the season.
> Or maybe his team should feel bad, who knows!
For what? Not making it more explicit than me running gunboats 90% of the time and harb staying with spin?
Yeah, sorry about that…
It’s obviously confusing for some when harbleu is using Captainhax’ Aggressive Pocket™ playstyle.
Theres mistake im konna not kounna
No ban, shit news. :(
Season 14: Upcoming Player of the Season
Buttnose. Good enough to get laughed at by prem players in pu2 (I’m jealous), most annoying demoman in the game (sticking his own train when pushing spire)
Yeah Clark improved was probably not the right word to use. I just felt that with bff he was a bit off at times and that he really had a great season this time around.
DJC <3
Hycz > everyone
I’m nominating Animal for streamer/cameraman of the season. I’m sure he’s done as much work as some of the casters.. Excellent camerawork and very dedicated. Just felt he deserved a shoutout. Maybe a future category, it can include both people who stream on their own channel and cameramen for the streaming orgs.
No community of the season awards? come on
No Streamer of the season award?
No people’s choice award?
Also, shocky to win everything he is nominated for (ok, maybe carry of the season has to go to kiler, he kiles all the stuff and doesn’t afraid anything) Also, This time I’m posting in the right post :D
haha thanks :p but i have to say that cookye deserves it. he was obviously the strongest enemy this season. wp!