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Entries from October 2012

Season 13: Premiership Match – Epsilon eSports vs. Crack Clan + Highlander Reminders

Date October 23, 2012

Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Match – Epsilon eSports vs Crack Clan cp_snakewater [Map 1] cp_process_b10fix [Map 2] As the sun begins to set on Season 13, a tumultous battle has erupted over the idolised fourth place playoff spot, a springboard which could jettison any team towards victory, and compensate for a season full of […]

CTF Rules Reminder & ilike2spin’s Medic Mentor Group

Date October 21, 2012

Week 6 CTF Reminder With the first Week 6 matches happening tonight, it’s a good time to remind teams about our CTF rules. CTF is played in 10 minute long rounds. First team to reach five intel captures wins the round. If neither team captures five times before time runs out, team with most captures […]

Highlander Season 3: Final Map Schedule, Rules & Hub, Signups Reminder

Date October 19, 2012

Final Map Schedule The provisional map pool has been adjusted based on player feedback, and the final schedule is as follows: Week 1: pl_badwater Week 2: cp_steel Week 3: pl_upward Week 4: cp_granary + koth_lakeside_final Week 5: cp_gravelpit Season 3 hub and rules update All information pertaining to Season 3 may be found on the […]

Season 13: Premiership Match – BFF vs. Crack Clan

Date October 18, 2012

Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Premiership Match – BFF vs Crack Clan VoD cp_process_b10fix [Map 1] VoD cp_badlands [Map 2] Crack Clan did not manage to take over the Premiership lead in their last match against  The Last Resort. The reigning kings  Epsilon eSports are now sitting on their familiar first place after they caught up on some matches. Tonight, […]

A Tireless Onrush – Season 13 Premiership Match!

Date October 16, 2012

Season 13 powered by Tt eSPORTS: Quarantine vs Epsilon eSports – Premiership Match And so it happens that after Monday, a horrible sign of the beginning of the week (and what a beginning it was, with cookye scoring whooping 40 frags against Decerto on Snakewater), comes Tuesday – one step closer to the weekend. It’s […]