Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS Reminders & Saffron Cup Final (finally!)
May 12, 2012
Season 12 powered by Tt eSPORTS Reminders
Just some reminders that we think are helpful and necessary, for both new teams and teams that are playing their 13th season.
- Teams will receive minor warnings for unplayed matches after the deadline unless they requested an admin on IRC for an extension.
- The warnings can be removed if one team leader contacts an admin after the results are submitted and verified.
- Missing status screenshots are worth one minor warning at the first occurrence and a major warning if your team fails to add status screenshots to a match a second time.
- These warnings can, again, be removed by adding a correct status screenshot and contacting an admin on IRC.
- Status screenshots need to be uploaded as jpg, gif or png but under no circumstances a bmp file. We suggest to use the command “jpeg” instead of “screenshot” and to set jpeg_quality 85 before you take the screenshot.
- Do not alter the screenshots (mark anything or cut out the steam ids). From the publication of this newspost on any status screenshot that can not be read by our parsing script will be punished with a minor or major warning.
- Missing screenshots can be added via the Add Screenshots tab in the admin panel.
S12 Prizes Update
Our anonymous donor has struck again, this time putting up £300 for the winner of the Premier Division playoffs this season!
Highlander Tie-Breakers
Congratulations to SNSD for winning the ETF2L Highlander League, again! Congratulations as well to the runners-up!
Tie-breakers are needed in a total of five divisions to determine which team advances to the higher division or is relegated to the lower. The matches are listed below. Please play all matches within two weeks (Deadline May 26, 2012). Also, the coloured rows showin who is promoted and who is demoted have been added to the tables (better late than never, right?)
All tie-breakers are played in a best-of-three series. This means that if Badwater, Upward or Barnblitz are picked you only play these maps once as attacker and once as defender (best-of-one), not in a best-of-three series as during the season. The map pool for the map elimination process is:
- Badwater
- Foundry
- Lakeside
- Upward
- Barnblitz
Maps will be chosen using an elimination process. Both teams eliminate a map. Then both teams select 1 map from the remaining pool of 3 that they wish to play. The last remaining map will be the final map to be played.
Division 1
Division 4F
Division 5D
Division 6D
Division 6P
Saffron Cup Final
After a lot of hesitation, the two finalists of the ETF2L Saffron Cup managed to play their match within the given deadlines. HmtraHreH`s won, and are now going home with six Tt eSPORTS MEKA G-UNIT Keyboards. Runners-up
Perilous Gaming get six Tt eSPORTS Battle Dragon Bags. To claim the prize one representative of each team needs to send an email to [email protected], containing the shipment information (one name and address). The prizes for both finalists were donated to the cup by Season 11 winners
Team Infused.
Highlander Captains
The application deadline for the Highlander Nations Cup captaincies will be met on Saturday, May 19. If your country has no captain yet and you feel you are the right person to represent your team, make sure to apply until then to [email protected].
new keyboards yay :D
thx infs
So now teams have to play tiebreakers against opponents they’ve already beat 6-0, three weeks into the 6v6 season.
Stay classy, ETF2L.
sweet, thanks donor dude or lady
Yeah, the tiebreakers should have been created while the season was still running and some matches were yet to be played!
Shouldn’t be a problem for you to 6-0 again then emb?
Considering most of us will be 3-4 weeks deep into the 6v6 season, the bigger problem won’t be winning the game, but making it happen.
Anonymous huh??? THANKS ANGEL <3
So now teams have to play tiebreakers against opponents they’ve already beat 6-0…
well maybe you should have won some more matches? :D