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LAN Reminder (and Bans? No…)

Date August 3, 2011

Insomia 43

Scotland Tapley asked us to post the following summary of the Insomia 43 LAN in August. Remember to buy him (and your favourite ETF2L admins) a beer @ LAN!

Hello Friends.

With 3 weeks left till LAN I thought I’d get a big post put up to alert you to the fact that the Lan in the UK I43 looks set to be the biggest TF2 lan in the world. Ever. With roughly over 250 TF2 players having bought tickets and the number slowly rising its looking to be an epic tournament!

We’re trying to get as many to buy tickets as possible so I’ve started a new thread for people who just want to chillax and be sure of a team for lan and dont care who you play with! I’ll organise you into mix teams, all you have to do is add the others to your friends list and decide a team name :] – please only add up to this if you’ve bought a ticket.

For anyone who doesn’t know LAN is not just sitting at your pc playing TF2 in a massive hall – In fact theres plently of other games to play at lan – also a massive exhibition hall with free stuff to grab – playing the latest releases on consoles and pc. Then theres meeting your bestest E-Friends and hanging out with the rest of the solid TF2 community! Having a drink at the bar or in the camping area (yes, you can drink outside area in the outdoor area now!)

Please see and post in the thread list below if you need any info/help.

Organised Mix/Mercs Thread – Find Players/Teams
Automatic Mix Team Thread – Dont really care who you play with? Get added here!

Questions Thread – General I43 Questions
Accomodation Thread – Tent/University Rooms/Hotel
Seating Thread – Seating Requests Questions?
TUP – Pc Rental Info (Euros Given Preference)
Transport Thread – Need A Lift/Can give a lift?
Equipment Share Thread – Need a Monitor/Got A Spare Monitor?

I Love You


Summer Assembly

The Insomia series is not the only LAN that hosts its traditional TF2 tournament! This year’s Finland Summer Assembly LAN will take place from the 4th to the 7th August. Do not miss the  VanillaTV coverage!

Year after year Team Fortress 2 has risen among players and guest to be one of the favourite games in Assembly. High-speed matches and colourful personas in the community have ensured countless memorable moments. This year the grand prize will be a whopping 3650 euros.
Each year ASSEMBLY Summer has been the gathering point for Europe’s finest players in Team Fortress 2. This year ain’t gonna disappoint us, because intrest towards this tournament has been huge. Team Fortress 2 will again deliver us nice matches and hot spiked balls.

Tournament rules & more information

Tournament type: NON BYOC: Groups + Single elimination
Team limit: 8 teams of 6 players each
1. 2100 €
2. 1050 €
3. 500 €



  1. basH: hf said:

    Cheats & Scripts
    · Bug-Using is not allowed.
    · Cheats are not allowed.


  2. tasKu: e-famous said:


  3. atomic said:

    ye, it seems that AC admins are inactive

  4. Dummy! said:

    admins? you mean bash, he’s the only AC admin =p

  5. Childish Gubbino said:

    Exactly, what do you expect from 1 ac admin? =P

  6. Childish Gubbino said:

    Maybe everyone stopped hacking cos they were only doing it to test me

  7. blorgalicious said:

    gub if I make a new account, can you plz promise not to catch me? xD

  8. Childish Gubbino said:

    I can’t help but catch people, it’s hardwired in to me

  9. WildEast: .:EnG!:. - <3 said:

    Liked how everyone ignored the post content and talks about post title :D

  10. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    The next post will have nothing about no bans, I assume. SHOUTOUT TO TAPPERS <3

  11. The Pledge said:

    Great to see that VanillaTV has someone at the ASM venue. Oh wait.

  12. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    I am sure they will cast some matches via stv

  13. Ripple said:

    no ac – no bans. :]

  14. Dummy! said:

    someone bitter ’round here, pledge =p?

  15. v1ruz said:

    no bans :((((

  16. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Fucking ETF2L gonna ban everyone just before the season starts.

    Time to go inactive.

  17. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Good stuff, looking forward to Assembly and seeing BeaVern play as well as i43! Going to be hugggge!

  18. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Any news on VTV or anything at iSeries yet? :o

  19. Evil: aqeze said:

    wtf?? I wanna BAAAAAAAAAANS!!

  20. Memento Mori said:

    (yes, you can drink outside area in the outdoor area now!)


  21. Shabbaman: GoT<3 - HoT<3 said:

    Are you saving all the bans for christmas or something?

  22. daithi1: BACΩN | - бекон said:

    “yes, you can drink outside area in the outdoor area now!”

    Head explodes from lack of English. Someone please explain.

  23. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    We need to record the fake bust videos yet.

  24. ashkan said:

    Yeah, got a bit set back when we noticed canfo STILL couldn’t hit anything with aimbot on.

  25. konr: idd. said:

    lol at blorg being all friendly with gub

  26. Dummy! said:

    that’s how he rolls konr, he’s a smug mother fucka =p

  27. Casual: prtyboiz - T⑨ said:

    @konr: phytek did the exact same thing with you, gubbins and about a bunch of other people.

  28. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    isn’t it a good thing that there are no bans, i mean that means nobody’s cheating…

  29. blorgalicious said:

    haha shat on konr

  30. strut: -=Crazy=- said:

    the masses need their public executions