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50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Quarter Finals – IRC Bot: New division announcement feature

Date June 9, 2009

50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Quarter Finals

Another two rounds of our first prize money competition have finished. Only 8 out of 380 players managed to make it through Round 1-6 and will give their best to continue their winning streak in the Quarter Finals.

But who will win and make it to the Semi Finals? Make your guess and vote below!


[Fixture List]

50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Prediction Poll - Who will win Quarter Final #1?

Total Voters: 487

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50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Prediction Poll - Who will win Quarter Final #2?

Total Voters: 504

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50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Prediction Poll - Who will win Quarter Final #3?

Total Voters: 502

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50 € Soldier 1on1 Cup: Prediction Poll - Who will win Quarter Final #4?

Total Voters: 496

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IRC Bot: New division announcement feature

After some work on our IRC Bot we have created a new feature which allows you to decide which results it should announce. See the How-To and an overview about our IRC Bot below.

How To

  • Command: help etf2l watch – Explanation: list of all commands & explanation
  • Command: watch [<all|none|divlist>] – Explanation: set which divisions you want to watch results/STV IPs from; can only be altered if you are opped in a channel.
  • Command: !watch – Explanation: to see a list of divisions you are watching at this moment.
  • Command: !watch all– Explanation: to watch all divisions.
  • Command: !watch none– Explanation: to watch no divisions.
  • Command: !watch <divlist> – Explanation: watch a specified list of divisions – Example: !watch 1 2a 4 (watches division 1, 2a and all divs 4 (4a-4f))

All other bot functions

  • Command: !results – Explanation: Latest 5 verified Cup/League Results
  • Command: !fixtures – Explanation: Next 5 upcoming Fixtures
  • Command: !events – Explanation: Next 5 entered Events & Deadlines
  • Command: !info – Explanation: League Page URL
  • Command: !hl2 <server ip> – Explanation: Get a server info
  • Highlighting published Newsposts
  • Highlighting League Matches with Source-TV
  • Highlighting verified League/Cup-Results (can be changed, see above)
  • Highlighting Important League Announcements

How can I get the bot into my channel?

  1. You need to be opped in the requested channel.
  2. Type /invite ETF2L3 #channelname (or any other available bot, ETF2L2 or ETF2L)
  3. The bot will join after an admin confirmed your request (requirement is a minimum of 5 people in your chan)
  4. If you want to have our bot removed again, please contact an admin in #etf2l

Besides that, we are working on a complete new section for our website which will be published soon. Stay tuned!


  1. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    I’m in a news again,
    <3 etf2l news

  2. AnimaL said:

    oi, didnt know m0re left illegal :O

  3. Bee: xoxo said:

    Coinz = dm god. He will bring it all home anyway!

  4. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    Go Go Exfane kick Coinz’s Ass!!!!

  5. Iller: tGa said:

    Gogo Codcrille. My guess is 30-25 to you.

  6. codcrille: Fresh. said:

    Don’t worry, he’s not that good… :(

  7. växjö: Hey dats! said:

    Neat, but what happened with the sniper cup? It was finished yeah, but I see no announcement?

  8. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    its like a scandinavia vs (rest-)europe competition
    lets see how many scandinavia players will survive :P

  9. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    växjö, they cba to announce a one-day-cup winner :)

  10. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    they also not talked about the 2on2 scout cup final
    but who cares?
    not me :D

  11. m0re said:

    cheetah lol. i’ve already won as i have 19hrs as solly and im on this stage! 8)

  12. cheetah: fa» - [SpA] said:

    then give me default in the semi-final :P

  13. Team Fortress 2 Romania said:

    Semifinalele cupei 1v1 Soldier ETF2L cu premii de 50E…

    8 dintre cei 380 de participanti au ramas in batalia pentru premiul de 50 Euro organizata de ETF2L…….

  14. Relentless said:

    go go che :D

  15. Funkeh: DStM said:

    I want Exfane or Coinz to win, but Coinz will win fo sho

  16. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    As El Presidente of Fanclubus Exfanus I must inform you all that the outcome has already be decided.
    There can be only one!


  17. waebi: ‹Con› said:

    mmm…… “new section”… Working demo upload with tagging and stuff?

  18. The Insane Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    ow thx admirable ;/

  19. TeoK: dSp\' said:

    medic > you !

  20. Extremer said:

    inactive medic even