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Soldier 1on1 Cup #2 (50 Euro)

Quarter Final

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by TeoK (TeoK)



30 - 22

[Screenshots: A ]

France TeoK vs Finland So Say We All!
1 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


TeoK (1) TeoK
So Say We All! (1) M0re


  1. m0re said:

    ok, when do you have free time 8)? im avail tomorrow, thursday and prolly saturday as well.

  2. pEx: rhs said:

    =( my enemy

  3. TeoK: dSp\' said:

    lets play thursday then. 18.30 cet? 19cet?

  4. m0re said:

    both times are ok for me, lets do it then @ thursday around those times 8)

  5. Xzar said:

    goooo oskarii <3

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