
Syringe Gun vs Blutsauger vs Crusaders Crossbow vs Overdose - Which is the best?

Created 30th December 2012 @ 01:57

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Crossbow for me right now as I dont really want to have to defend myself anyway, thats what my pocket is for and the long range air 360 heals are just to awesoem to give up for those lame +10% movement speed the overdose gives me. As for the blhtsauger I need my regen after I catch every rocket that js fired in the general direction of me…

Last edited by lexs,

Aka crossbow vs overdose imo


Stock Syringe = better than nothing out of the 3 options given, means you can hit a scout no matter how shit you are at aiming as a medic.

Overdose = An apparent upgrade for the Stock Syringe, again same shit you can hit a scout or enemy that is right up and close to you no matter how shit you are at aiming, plus side is if you have uber you can move 10% faster than normal when it’s out…OH JOY.

Crusaders Crossbow = Quite obviously the winner in that it can do heals from 40-150hp, and can do damage from 39-79hp, can clutch moments when you kill or save your man from dying, blah blah blah.

Bottom line is, if you can aim with the crusaders crossbow, then use that it’s by far the superior weapon, if you can’t aim then overdose, if you want to be the odd person and brand yourself ‘special’ then use the stock Syringe.

Simple as, move along discussion over.



Last edited by byte,





(Toucan Ambassador)

I think I might give the Overdose a shot Season 14. If you make a habit of switching to it in the scenarios where healing isn’t important there are definitely a lot of edges to be gained when you look beyond the “I can run from A to B 1-10% faster” to what that actually implies: you have a greater dodge range, you can surf farther, cover the the distance to save a team mate, save yourself or even just make your transitions faster.

I love the crossbow, but I only bring it out in marginal situations; to speed up my healing order or the rare clutch save. The Overdose I can use consistently during the game as a gas peddle, much as soldiers should constantly switch to the TEP to get those extra few UPS. When you consider that it is the movement speed of your medic that often dictates the pace your team can play I don’t think the Overdose should be dismissed off hand.

Also I think the addition of the TEP should mean that soldiers won’t be as helpless and dependent on a life saving crossbow bolt in low HP situations. Not that I would ever consider healing ipz anyway…

Last edited by Admirable,



Quoted from byte

Stock Syringe = better than nothing out of the 3 options given, means you can hit a scout no matter how shit you are at aiming as a medic.

Overdose = An apparent upgrade for the Stock Syringe, again same shit you can hit a scout or enemy that is right up and close to you no matter how shit you are at aiming, plus side is if you have uber you can move 10% faster than normal when it’s out…OH JOY.

Crusaders Crossbow = Quite obviously the winner in that it can do heals from 40-150hp, and can do damage from 39-79hp, can clutch moments when you kill or save your man from dying, blah blah blah.

Bottom line is, if you can aim with the crusaders crossbow, then use that it’s by far the superior weapon, if you can’t aim then overdose, if you want to be the odd person and brand yourself ‘special’ then use the stock Syringe.

Simple as, move along discussion over.



The discussion is far from over. What about Blutsauger?



I use blutsauger and its all good



The blutsauger shouldn’t be your choice. Why? It removes pretty much of you hp regeneration, which is crucial for you as a medic. It is true that you can refill your hp back with it, but your priority as a medic is to heal others, not stop healing them just to shoot with blutsauger for hp refill. I play a lot medic, and i have pretty much experience to tell you that blutsauger is not a good choice. The only good thing about it is that you have a higher chance of survival agaiant those awkward moments when you are alone and one of the enemies is coming for you. With the lack of hp regen, you will always be a low health target during fights, and the health packs won’t be there for you all the time.

Last edited by Ner0,



if you have a strange blutsauger use that


I just dont see me in a situation where i have 85-100% uber and all my teammates die and i have to run back to spawn. So i see no point in the overdose. Admirable made some good points for using it but still the crossbow for me is the clear winner. Way too often i see my teammate stuck somewhere at low hp and he cant get out or assist in a fight or i cant reach him fast enough… 1 arrow gives him a chance to survive and get back out to safety or even joining the battle

Last edited by doks,


UbeR |

Nuff said.


I always prefer to survive and try to get help rather than die quickly and minimize the possible uber advantage for the other team (sometimes it’s stupid, but sometimes it can lead to really nice situations=.
I think this is something that seperates me from most medics.

Thinking like this my arguments for the different weapons are.

I’ve never liked the blautsauger because of the lack of regen, it just feels like you die easier with it since the nerf of it. Scouts two shot you faster than you can empty an ammo on them (if they’re good)

I like the crossbow, but since I’ve always been crap at the airshots, I haven’t found the charm of it yet. But I can see its advantages, as Byte said. You need aim for that kind of weapon.

Overdose is something I’ll definantly begin trying out, so for me it’s a match between Overdose and stock syringe. But I really am fond of the idea of getting the rollouts more quick than the other medic to gain advantage in middle – so for me it’s probably going to be overdose from on.



Why are people suggesting the stock syringe gun is viable now? Have I missed something? I thought the Overdose is exactly the same in terms of damage and regen but better in that it allows for the speed boost. Why would anyone use the syringe?

Blutsauger is generally accepted as useless because of the reduced regen and only used by a handful of medics, surely it’s a toss up between crossbow and overdose and there can be solid arguments for both as Admirable and Byte have pointed out.



Personal choice. Don’t see any great points being made which single out one from the rest.

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