
Turbine "exploit" - Should this be banned in ETF2L?

Created 21st September 2008 @ 01:10

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The player blocking brushes are there so players do not get stuck on the pillars next to that raised plattform. Try strafing the wall below the platform and you see, you do not get stuck. Player blocking brushes are used this way on almost every map so you don’t get stuck on every little detail that makes walls more interesting.

Unfortunately the author made a slope on the top of this particular player blocking brush (as well as on the one of the opposite side, i.e. at the pillar in the middle of the platform). I think he did this to prevent players from being able to stand ON the blocking brush (which would make them appear to stand on thin air), unfortunately the slope also allows you to glide upwards when duck jumping on it with some forward momentum.

Although the jump is very easy (with very little practise), it’s not an intended feature and thus I do not use it in clanwars – wether it’s allowed or not. I admit I sometimes use it on publics though, but only because players do all sorts of weird stuff on there. I think that the use of invisible ledges and unintended features should not be allowed in ETF2L matches in general. Turbine is full of those issues (for example you can also jump up onto the flagroom roof, stand on thin air there, thankfully I haven’t seen anyone use this yet in a match), but there are similar issues in other maps, such as dustbowl, as well.

Some of the exploits / bugs are funny on publics, but I don’t think they should be used in matches. In Turbine the medkit is on a platform because it’s not supposed to be reachable by all classes, but just for scouts or for engineers (if they make an effort of building something and maybe even putting an engineer there) or for soldiers/demoman at the cost of some rocket/pipe jumping self damaging.

Any class being able to just duck jump on there thanks to some invisible ledge just defeats the whole purpose and intention the map author had when he made a platform… I hope this gets fixed sometime proper.

Regarding a team leaving with a “gg you cheat” in mid war… in dubio pro reo, no team should just leave a match in the middle of the game… they should instead finish the game and clear up doubts and accusations regarding cheating later. If you just leave the match and afterwards it turns out there was no cheating after all, it should be a default loss for the team that left. It’s perfectly possible that a Medic just gets blasted by accident up there, in fact I sometimes intentionally let an enemy demoman propel me somewhere with his pipes… it’s funny, well, at least on publics, to do pipejumps as a class that normally can not do them.





im for allowing it



Allow it. It does no harm and Fenrir I don’t think you have to post you want to ban it twice.

pff allow it, its so small


I agree, Vali should be banned


did any1 of you try to do this as well? its quiet hard to get up there and if you fall down its more an advantage for the enemy then you



I think it should be allowed.

Sentries placed on that platform are usually a bit too hard to kill for other classes than demos anyway, I think.



as long as its possible to do in both red and blu base i see no reason as to why it should be banned.



idd, if both side are same, who cares…


i would hate to check every stv after each game if they keep comming up there. allow!


RaWr ::

Haven’t failed at doing it once, is really easy to do. You have to look at the advantages it gives you and in hindsight the advantages aren’t that huge, 1 mid-sized health pack to be precise (in a really easilly defendable spot also!). It’s not like it’s an area thats completely in-accessable to any other class, or say behind the fences on dustbowl and so on :)


Turbine should be banned yes .(what , i didnt understand the thread ? SO WHAT !)



Really dont understand why it should be banned? Its map structure, and you can get there alone, without help / cheat.. If you bann that, you can ban every soldier / Demo jump..



“Turbine is full of those issues (for example you can also jump up onto the flagroom roof, stand on thin air there”

Byte for example does this so often i’m surprised people don’t automatically check the ceiling. But isn’t he standing on the…pillar things rather than “thin air”. So imo it’s a map feature and not “illegal”. :)

PS. Yarrrrr….dont take my “team quit in the middle of the game because a medic was up on the ledge”-rhetoric seriously. Because It _wasn’t_ a serious scenario…

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