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DeutschLAN 2015: Main Thread

Created 17th January 2015 @ 20:37

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Dr. med.

Next show match matchup confirmed for this Sunday! Keep checking Etf2l.org tonight for details!

Also some people aske me when to transfer the second half of the money, in case you only transferred 382.50€ so far to sign up. The second half has to be payed until 14 days prior to arrival. In our case that would be 28th of August.

@cnozz: I will talk to the tenants on Monday. Afterwards there will be some new infos and maybe a first signup list!
I hesitate to publish it though, since a lot of teams don’t have their full roster yet


Dr. med.

Newspost is live:



(ETF2L Donator)

It is my pleasure to announce that DeutschLAN is dropping tf2center.com from sponsorship of the lan. We came to this conclusion because of three main reasons:

1. A prizepool of 2000€ was promised which was suddendly dropped to 500€

2. Masternoob made the condition that we ban former tf2center admin RTC from the Lan

3. Bad business ethics/attitude from tf2center

Also I can proudly announce that from now on forward tf2pickup.net will be sponsoring the lan. A big thank you goes to them for supporting this community event. They have proven in previous season to be great and serious sponsors.




4. masterNOOB banned hartz from tf2c ayyyy lyk a sumbodeeee fuk u bic


(ETF2L Donator)

Hilarious, glad you got a sponsor that is ran by responsible adults now.



Quoted from HartzFartz

It is my pleasure to announce that DeutschLAN is dropping tf2center.com from sponsorship of the lan.



What a poor display from TF2Center, big ups to TF2Pickup :)



Quoted from HartzFartz

Masternoob made the condition that we ban former tf2center admin RTC from the Lan

Absolutely pathetic, Masternoob do you genuinely think that this was justified?


(ETF2L Donator)

I wonder how deep that hole masternoob is digging for himself is gonna get



:c can tf2cmods still come to lan?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from TheShowerFairy

:c can tf2cmods still come to lan?

Just because certain Tf2center admins are unreasonable doesn’t mean that DeutschLAN mods are childish to that degree I would assume.

That would stoop to ” Ban RTC” levels of low.


(ETF2L Donator)

can I come to lan?



I told Stinson they would screw it up I was right, Masternoob acts like such a kid



Yet more evidence that TF2Centers head admins are rotten, with the two founding members being unable to be pleasant and reasonable people to the rest of the community putting their personal fights first and not recognising the significance of their word. If you say you are going to do something, especially with regards to money, you do it. A verbal agreement should always have the same weight behind it as a written one.

I wish Deutschlan all the best, it appears to be a well run event, one that I want to see happen and one that I have contributed towards. I wish I could say the same for tf2centre but while Master/tereza are still on the admin team I cannot see that happening.

Last edited by MoistPenguin,



Masternoob and Motherthereza should just stop managing public affairs. They have no social expertise nor any logic behind their reasoning. I am sure I am speaking on behalf of the competitive community when I say I wish you would just go away. No one likes you and no one want you to have any say in anything. Please go away.

Let the admins/moderators that know how to take responsibility do the majority of managing. Just sit there and do your coding and stay quite, it would be for everyones better.

Last edited by Useless,

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