
TFTrue 2.8

Created 30th December 2008 @ 10:15

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I also think its more effort than its worth :(

If people want to put time into helping this community (which is awesome and I do appreciate)
I think there are better and more effective ways to use it


(Toucan Ambassador)

Ye I haven’t found the randomness that big a deal, probably because I don’t cut myself everytime I miss an airshot (that’s a lot of cuts :o).

Whilst I can see the views regarding game balance and the the idea that RNGs can make you suicidal, I think anything that splits the playerbase is bad.

Why not use the power of the competitve community to get Valve’s attention. Apparently there is a bit of resentment to the lack of support from Valve thus far, but e-mailing Robin Walker saying “ZOMG!!1 I died to wan stickeh!11” isn’t going to get results. While I understand Anakin and others have contacted Valve I think we could do much better.

We need a well structured arguement outlining why some of the balancing features implemented in TF2 such as random damage are less applicable in the 6v6 competitive scene, and that we would like a few more cvars and options. Then we could petition Valve with the support of league admins and players, and it becomes a lot harder for them to dismiss or overlook us. Together we stand, divided we fall!

P.S. I can’t be arsed to actually do any of this stuff :D


There have already been a very long e-mail which has been written by someone here, a few months ago, and posted on the Steam Forums and here, and nothing happened. It was talking about random damage and a lot of other things for competitive players.

I think the only way to get VALVe attention would be to get this plugin used by a lot of people. This already worked when TFTrue had Critical hits, Respawn wave time, Friendly fire, and a few other things. VALVe added them in the game.



I’m a demoman.

Nades=100 (even 110 would be ok)

Stickies- 50-110. They should be good as trap. Its skilless weapon so it should suck. Demolimit 2 sounds nice.


Hey dats!

“Its skilless weapon so it should suck.”




cruise control for cool


rockit like

Only the new sticky damage irritates me, everything else is fine. Rather keep it that way.


I see people quoting random numbers (no pun intended) when suggesting what the current damage rate for weapons are. Im not sure whether thats because this link im about to post is outdated or because no one else but myself knows of it :/ ive always found the numbers to be accurate, however

—this info is before the demonerf/buff/damage bug—

shows you the damage variables of demomen weapons, the rest of the characters are on their also.

The reduction on randomness effects things both ways, for instance now i know that my ubersaw will be dealing 65 damage per swing as opposed to 43-87 damage. now instead of having the -possibility- of killing a 100% scout in 2 hits its now a GUARENTEE to kill him with 2 hits. if i see a scout coming at me without having funky heal signs floating off of him i know i can take the chance.

Using this plugin we can do some number crunching and start measuring our possibilities for kills much more accuratly. without the plugin, a soldier at mid range will need at LEAST 5 shotgun hits on a scout to kill him, note that this wouldnt require him to reload. HOWEVER there is a good chance that it could take as many as 13 shotgun hits at mid range to kill a scout. Using the plugin we are guarenteed it will take 7 shots. Note that this would require the soldier to reload a shot

Theres some stats maths to be had in this stuff, of course. as your more liekly to hit a quartile than the absolute low or high, it means that there is a much higher chance of a kill requiring one less/more shot due to the amount of ‘overkill’ a shot might deliver


Hey dats!

What Darn said. Lets not go overboard in the cries for changes.

AnAkin does this mod change anything at all without tftrue_no_random_damage set to 1? Can I have it on my server and leave that set to 0 and it basically be vanilla tf2, with NO changes?


@Akill : I was taking the damage values from here at first, and did some testing, and found that most of the values here are not correct. It seems that they didn’t know that the distance from the enemy affects the weapon damage.

@Mole : Setting it to 0 will make the plugin not do anything.


this could call for an exhitbition series or even a tftrue tourny
even if just to cure peoples curiosity


if I believed in god’s existence I’d say thank u god for this masterpiece of work.
It brings most of the old gameplay even if demoman is still overpowered. I dont think demo nerfing should be done unless valve really meant to do it. Dont bring demo problems into this topic, it’s not the only class afected by this randomness.



Demo is overpowered generally, not anything to do with randomness of damage.


rockit like

and thats why its limited to 1 and works perfectly.

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