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EU Team Elo is back

Created 7th February 2017 @ 23:27

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Gentleman Jon

From the same website that brought stressful performance judgements into your nice relaxing lobby, EU team pcw Elo has been revived! (with apologies to fraac)

You can regret going spy, engie and pyro to mid and losing your last game 3-2 here:

For those that don’t remember the original EU team Elo, like the original I slurp up logs.tf entries and find games that match ETF2L rosters then award rating points based on the results. For added spice I’ve also provided an alternative Trueskill ranking.You can explore team and player details to see how they achieved their current ranking.

Yes it also finds officials, no I haven’t given them more weight, no I’m not going to detect them – it’s a nightmare.

The updates aren’t instant, they lag real time results by about 15 minutes or so. Also because I’m starting this late log pickup hasn’t been brilliant (rosters change a lot and I’ve been matching them from weeks ago) so it’s still adjusting over time.


Dude this is so fucking sick

Also, would you mind adding pugchamp/mixchamp to the player rankings? (eventually. idk how hard it is) It’s the most common places to do pickup games






Good Stuff




Gentleman Jon

Quoted from Collaide

Also, would you mind adding pugchamp/mixchamp to the player rankings? (eventually. idk how hard it is) It’s the most common places to do pickup games

I’ve spoken to the devs about it and they’ve asked me not to as they have their own plans for what they want to do with them


Is there any way to compare players? For example sort them by average DPM or some shit.
And my team is so bad :( #fuckCaeli

Last edited by NeuTronas,

Gentleman Jon

I’ve added a little toy that can be used to predict match outcomes from Elo. You can see it here: http://beta.tf2playerrankings.com/teamrank/matchup/choosematchup/

It only uses Elo because the maths for using Trueskill is

It’s just for fun at the moment but as the ratings become more accurate over time the results should become more interesting

Gentleman Jon

I’ve run an update on this to reflect differences in the results recorded in games between tiers. It’s probably a bit strong but the operation required to make it fairer is more intensive than I have time for. Either way games between tiers should now be reflected in a fairer way.


Quoted from Gentleman Jon

I’ve spoken to the devs about it and they’ve asked me not to as they have their own plans for what they want to do with them

Damn :(



hey, one thing you should look into
our player uploaded a combined log of 2 maps and that got counted too



ye, people should stop uploading combined logs.

Gentleman Jon

Quoted from tavi

hey, one thing you should look into
our player uploaded a combined log of 2 maps and that got counted too

Something I’ll probably correct when I revisit things for a future season

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