Cup, Cup, Cup and Cup!
October 4, 2008
There are a lot Cups in the pipeline for you, time to give a little overview and information out:
Arena Cup #1
After the big success of the new released Gamemode Arena we are going to arrange some general Cups on it. After reducing the slots to 64 there are only 12 spots left. Interested in one of them? Be fast then, Sign Ups closing Sunday (tomorrow), 23:59 CEST!
- Detailed Newspost: [Link]
- Sign-Ups closing: TONIGHT, 23:59 CEST
- SIGN UP LINK (don’t forget you will have to register an Arena team first)
- Accepted Teams: [Link] – 62/64 slots taken – only 2 spots left!
Fixed Maps
- Round 1 – 1. Lumberyard 2. Granary (3. Badlands)
- Round 2 – 1. Well 2. Ravine (3. Watchtower)
- Round 3 – 1. Badlands 2. Lumberyard (3. Well)
Choose your favorite Winmode for Arena Maps!
Total Voters: 203

Highlander Cup
Cause of the big feedback on our Competition Request Forum we are happy to announce our first Highlander Cup. This Cup will be perfect for everybody who thinks some classes should be played more often, due to the 9on9 and Classlimit 1 Gamemode. Feel invited to note all dates down already, also it’s possible to register Highlander teams on the page by now!
Dates & Details
- Sign-Ups open: Sunday, 19th October, 19:00 CEST
- Sign-Ups closing: Sunday, 26th October, 23:59 CEST
- Round 1: Monday, 27th October till Wednesday, 5th November
- Slots: 8 (can be upped to 16)
- Gamemode: 9on9, Classlimit 1
4th Cup
Also our regular Cup series is going into its next chapter: the 4th Cup will have place for 128 teams again which will fight for the European Team Fortress 2 Cup Throne. Our Public Gamemode Polls are open by now; the community will decide again how this Cup will be played, so take your right to vote!
4th Cup Gamemode: Draw Map Situation
Total Voters: 272

4th Cup Gamemode: Map-Pick-System
Total Voters: 267

1on1 Cup
Last but not least we are also announcing a new 1on1 Cup. And of course you got the chance to decide which Class will be the focus on it. Vote below!
Decide which 1on1 Cup we will arrange next!
Total Voters: 319

lol @ Engineer 1v1 xD
Scout and Demoman are the only 1on1 cups that make sense imo.
But other ones with more players could be interesting :D
3on3 Spy…. who can you trust? xD
haha lol 3v3 spy :D
plz do a demoman 1on1…thats uniqe,no other league do that!!
and a scout 1on1 you can have @ESL…plz take the Demoman!!
So what is with the last 2 missing teams?
Are we waiting longer or will there be wild cards for 2 of the 62 teams?
Is it double-elimination or not?
Brilliant, I have been waiting for a decent 1v1 scout cup, thanks!
And to the poster who said about their being an ESL scout 1v1, thats not true. Technically there is, but it is so awful that you can’t really claim it exists.
Thanks <3
Awesome, a 1on1 Scout Cup is absolutely brilliant! =D
ESL sucks badly, allthough it’s fun to play a match every once in a while.
uhm 3on3 spy is not a bad idea… uhm…. post it on competition request!
Looking good for Scout 1on1 Cup :)
@cheetah: We filled up the last 2 missing spots, Tree is online now.
And it’s Single Elimination :)
[…] handlar om Arena Cup, Highlander Cup och ETF2L Cup 4, samt en ännu odefinerad 1on1 cup. Följ länken och rösta fram reglerna. Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om team fortress 2, […]
yeah…ok…then do a scout 1on1 cup first…and a 1on1 demoman cup second !!
[…] is kan je al moeilijk eenzelfde klasse 2x gebruiken. ETF2L organiseert binnenkort een highlander cup. (Highlander = 9 vs 9, van elke class 1). Misschien dat dat wat meer voor jou is? Vind highlander […]