Monday Night bans, Staff and Rule Update
May 21, 2018
Currently within TF2 there are 2 major bugs that have a chance of majorly impact matches. If you suspect that the opposing team in a match is using this bug in a match, please inform us through IRC.
The first bug is the one where stickies can damage players through walls if they’re placed inside of each other.
The second one is about the Ubercharge being built during pauses. This one can obviously happen by accident but we expect teams to handle it with fair play and make agreements if it does.
If there are cases of either of these bugs being abused, teams are going to get punished appropriately.
The following players have been caught cheating by our Anti-Cheat team. They will be banned from ETF2L for one year:
RezQ_– Aimbot
The following player has failed to upload demos 4 times, and has been banned from the league for a year:
The following player has failed to upload demos 3 times, and has been banned from the league for two months:
The following players have failed to upload demos twice, and have been banned from the league for two weeks:
The following player has been found evading their ban, and will have their ban extended by one year:
The following players have been caught with VAC bans affecting TF2, and will be banned from the league for one year:
+ 166 inactive ETF2L accounts.
As these players have not been caught cheating by our staff, their match results are not affected.
Staff Changes
We are sad to announce that our longstanding admin and friend MoistPenguin is leaving our ranks. We wish him well in all his future endeavors.
In the meantime both Sodium and
proky have completed their trials and are now full League admins.
Rule Changes
Although not really rules, we are changing our policy in regard to how we handle bans. In the past, we have done it like we’re doing tonight with all players since the past ban post been done in one wave. In the future, this will be done differently: we will be banning people shortly after their infraction has taken place. The exception to this is VAC bans, these will still be done in waves. We will still post news posts mentioning all banned players every couple of months like we have so far.
The second policy that is changing is how we distribute ETF2L bans for VAC bans. This is due to changes in both our as well as valve’s system. We will no longer check every single player to see if the ban was specific to Team Fortress 2, but instead only check players that are active. If you’ve been hit with a VAC ban and want to make sure you are not banned on ETF2L for it then please contact our Anti-Cheat staff on IRC. If you do get an ETF2L ban due to a VAC ban this ban can still be removed once proof is provided that the ban is not related to TF2.
Firstly we’re making the “Perma-mercs are not allowed” rule from being a Highlander only rule to a general rule.
1.4.1 Perma-mercs are not allowedA player can only be used as a merc 3 times for one and the same team per season (regardless of the player being an approved merc). If a player has been used as a merc 3 times for a team already they aren’t allowed to join the team in question. After the fourth match as a merc for the same team, the player is considered a perma-merc and the team may be punished.
If a player is caught or reported perma-mercing, we will review the case and decisions made will be at the full discretion of the admin team and all circumstances will be taken into account. Note: in accordance with General Rule 2.3, only one team change per competition is tolerated.
Next up we’re changing the wording in some of our rules in order to make them clearer.
2.4.1 Penalties for not providing requested demosFailure to supply a requested demo will result in penalties for both the player and their team. If a player fails to supply their demos multiple times while playing for the same team the team will be given a more severe punishment.
Player penalties.
– First time: No ban.
– Second time: Player is banned for two weeks from all ETF2L competitions.
– Third time: Player is banned for two months from all ETF2L competitions.
– Fourth time or more: Player is banned for one year from all ETF2L competitions.Team penalties.
– First time: Minor warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.
– Second time or more: Major warning that can be removed if the demo is uploaded.Penalties are applied if a requested demo is not provided within 72 hours.
3.10 Warnings may lead to point deduction or removal from a competitionMinor or Major Warnings for missing match media can be removed if an admin is contacted after the missing media is submitted to the site. If the Minor Warnings already stack up to a Major Warning of 3 Minor Warnings, the Minor Warnings in question are no longer removable.
General System
3 Minor Warnings = 1 Major Warning
1 Major Warning = deduction of 1 point
2 Major Warnings = deduction of 3 points
3 Major Warnings = expulsion from the leagueMinor Warnings
Incorrect/missing screenshot (Can be removed if the screenshot is provided later)
Using an unregistered player
Using a merc without permission
Violating the Pause Rule (1st time)
Using a banned weapon
Use of non-English language (Note: Other languages are allowed if both teams are from the same country.)
Unable to provide a requested Demo (1st time) (Can be removed if the demo is provided later)
Flaming (1st time)
Not showing up for a match (and a Default Loss for this match)
Any other rule break (1st time)Major Warnings
Incorrect/missing screenshot (after 1st time) (Can be removed if the screenshot is provided later)
Any attempts of fraud
Not being able to provide a requested Demo (after 1st time) (Can be removed if the demo is provided later)
Violating the Pause Rule (after 1st time)
Flaming (after 1st time)
Cheating (plus a possible reduction of extra points and banning of the player involved, dependant on the situation)
Any other rule break (after 1st time)
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rip the vani comeback i guess
“Firstly we’re making the “Perma-mercs are not allowed” rule from being a Highlander only rule to a general rule.”
lol, really good save there porky
Not updating Highlander rule 1.4 to make it more obvious about UGC teams and experience :/
I even wrote a template lul
“If a player has been used as a merc 3 times for a team already they aren’t allowed to join the team in question.”
I don’t think this makes any sense. There aren’t usually any rules forbidding players from joining specific teams, so why is this now a rule? Mercing twice and then joining a team is somehow different and so allowed?
I just think if a player is actually joining a roster then surely they’re just looking to abide to the rule that they can only merc a limited number of times
weebs deserve ban
Mercing 3 times in highlander is basically playing half the matches of a season already though :^)
Dodged a bullet with RezQ, pappa bless.
Vani ;-;
rezq changed his profile status to private eks dee
Noooooooooooo MoistPenguin was my favorite admin
lmao ppl believe rezQ is aimboting SMH
biggest moistgate ever
Moist was cut for refusing to watch anime #MoistForHeadAdmin
lol i don’t understand coz RezQ is shit