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More November Bans, Staff Changes

Date November 27, 2014

Staff Changes

Our good old friend and former League Admin England Hildreth re-joined the ETF2L Staff as a PR Admin!

His role revolves mostly around promoting ETF2L within the community while aiming for the highest standards possible, offering the best possible service, competition, prizes and fun for all our players.


Netherlands Baernt has been caught trying to DDOS a player in an ETF2L match and therefore his recent one-year-ban has been extended by another five years.

We will not tolerate any form of disruption of ETF2L officials, the ETF2L website or any other service provided by us, whether or not you have a personal vendetta. This includes, but is not limited to DOS or DDOS in any form.

Besides that:

A player has been spotted with recent VAC bans affecting Team Fortress 2 and thus is now banned from ETF2L for 1 year:

The following players have not provided requested demos multiple times:

  • Denmark Toast – Banned for 2 weeks
  • Belgium exys – Banned for 2 months
  • Hungary Afirax – Banned for 2 months



  1. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

  2. Herr_P: .:[aAa]:. said:


  3. snappe: half - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:


  4. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    gg clootie

  5. Villdjack: (twisted) - Bully said:

    :D clootie

  6. Asaaj said:

    ┻┳| ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)did someone say Clootie???
    ┻┳| ノ

  7. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    hahaha no way :D

  8. Josh: REMOVE - LEGO said:

    Good decision, well done.

  9. Toba: (a boT from the North) - Lutunen said:

    where is H.A.R.D? wasn’t quintosh after that guy? 8)

  10. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    clootie is a fucking disgrace to the netherlands :c

  11. bobmus said:

    What a plank.

  12. phromelo: 8-) said:

    yay hildretho

  13. Bobinsky: chumtoad. - regretful said:

    Rip in peace clootie.

  14. kermit: G - sniper said:


  15. Scissors: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    hahahahahahahhaahhahahaha get fucked :DD

  16. inso: itsallgood said:

    what the fuck clootie

  17. dodo: ⇗upp⇙ said:


  18. Droodl3: TSM said:

    what game did he ddos

  19. roban: :-) said:

    clootie what the fuck are you doing rofl

  20. Vitilumi: tbd said:

    Clootieeeee whaaat…

  21. Bloodis: (Legend) - (๑╹ω╹๑ ) said:


    rofl clootie cya

  22. Clark: SDCK! said:

    Clootie :DDDD

  23. kane: Seagulls said:

    WTF Clootie :D

  24. Freakie: KOLAR - .awkward said:

    LOL clootie

  25. Max: Fusion said:

    Wanna know which game he DDOS’d.

    Also toast getting banned is unfair. He DID submit his demo on barnblitz week.

  26. Spade said:


  27. aura said:

    This user has been banned from the ETF2L. This ban will expire on 12 November 2020

  28. adysky said:


  29. Max: Fusion said:

    Nvm about my toast comment he apparently didn’t submit his demo on the 6s game and week 2 offi.

  30. asadawarf: #ΣDM - (°)> said:

    clootie banned until he’s 15 .゚ヽ(´∀`。)ノ゚
    european hl is now a true esport .゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚
    clootie still free to wreak havoc in ugc .゚ヽ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ゚

  31. sheepy dog's hand: (Cutest boy in TF2) - F! - Pander said:

    LOL get wrecked. ddosers are actually worse than cheaters.

  32. Selek: Dr. med. said:

    The ETF2L could probably use some improved visibility and outward information. Hildreth has the charm and wit for it, nice :)

  33. JoeTea said:

    R.I.P 10/10 would laugh at again

  34. olBaa said:

    ᕦ( ✿ ⊙ ͜ʖ ⊙ ✿ )━☆゚.*・。゚
    plz use proxies next time

  35. lewis]: GayD said:

    for fuck sake clootie, now fucking joetea is shit talking you!!! wtf idiot!!!

  36. ryan: lizard said:


  37. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:


  38. kKaltUu: UbeR | - -chess- said:

    Clootie het was gezellig dat je er was, hé doei hè! houdoe!

  39. Baernt said:

    What do I have to do for a permaban?

  40. Popcorp said:

    DDOS 6s Finals B)

  41. Bloodyyy: (Weeaboo Nerd) - (XD ͜ʖXD) said:

    ddos permzilla pls Kappa

  42. unu said:

    Clootie confirmed biggest retard since Taimou.

  43. Nadav: .o/ said:

    Silly Clootie, its not a premaban, it expires on 12 november 2020. The admins are so nice they postponed it to get you a pretty number!

  44. Raf: w//e - .awkward said:

    10/10 comedy

  45. Bona: PMW said:

    Voeg me Clootie :$

  46. Bona: PMW said:

    Truste Herman, Geniet van je verbanning ;*

  47. 4hp said:

    Well then. TF2 will probably be dead when Clootie is unbanned, this is like getting a 300 year prison sentence

  48. moursi: (Big Poppa) - bobs said:

    See you on skial badwater clootie <3

  49. Author said:

    Another sniper main, gg afirax

  50. firej said:

    i think clootie dos’d him and not ddos’d 8)

  51. carrera said:


  52. Alycidon said:

    RIP in piss Clootie.

  53. prof said:

    “Trying” to DDOS, does that mean he even managed to fuck that up? Get it together Clootie.

  54. lewis]: GayD said:

    21:17 – Clootie: yo lewis
    21:18 – Clootie: whats ur ip
    21:18 – fuck all you hoes: go away
    21:18 – Clootie: plz?
    21:18 – Clootie: I just broke down crypto’s internet
    21:18 – Clootie: 2 times out
    21:19 – Clootie: it is ddos m8
    21:19 – fuck all you hoes: thats what ddos is
    21:19 – Clootie: no u
    21:19 – fuck all you hoes: lol do you even know what you are doing
    21:19 – fuck all you hoes: what port did you use
    21:19 – Clootie: but its working 9001
    21:19 – Clootie: why?
    21:19 – fuck all you hoes: you have no idea lol
    21:20 – Clootie: its this program
    21:20 – fuck all you hoes: loic
    21:20 – Clootie: used by anons
    21:20 – Clootie: ye
    21:20 – Clootie: its hilarious
    21:20 – fuck all you hoes: welcome to 2004 rofl
    21:20 – Clootie: I dont give a shit
    21:20 – Clootie: it still works 10 years l8r
    21:20 – fuck all you hoes: of course it will
    21:20 – fuck all you hoes: do you even understand what it does
    21:20 – Clootie: I wanna fuck someone up real bad

    clootie for fuck sake!!!!

  55. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    It means someone a lot smarter than him prevented or perhaps ‘misdirected’ it prof ;)

  56. lewis]: GayD said:

    21:24 – Clootie: so where do I put ip?
    21:24 – Clootie: idc im a bad boi
    21:24 – Clootie: how do I run a vpn

  57. MIndYe: [hePPa] said:

    How fucking retarded is he to DDOS from his own IP? :D
    Booters are fucking cheap nowdays anyway.

  58. quell: UbeR | said:

    clootie rasmongool

  59. Piddox: Fe | said:

    Why clootie…………… are you nuts

  60. Max: Fusion said:

    Lewis gib pastebin pls

  61. Piddox: Fe | said:

    Piddox: ga je een alt maken?
    Clootie: denk eraan
    Clootie: weet niet
    Piddox: succes!

  62. lewis]: GayD said:

    21:35 – Clootie: im a true hacekr now
    21:35 – Clootie: obey

  63. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    a true disgrace to the memeclub, I hope their spiritual leader asa takes his responsibility and banish Clootie out of the club

  64. fanny_filth: #Gamsjaga - itsallgood said:

    define:script kiddie

  65. Asaaj said:

    Clootie has ascended to become the meme ETF2L deserves

  66. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:

    If I was an engie main, I’d consider a 5 year ban a massive promotion.

  67. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    ^ rogl

  68. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    function ddos()

  69. Burn: xodijkrgoi said:

    Did someone post how to DDOS on reddit or what?

  70. quintosh: ANIMA - op_sqd said:


    13:51 – Clootie: Im 16 yrs old
    13:51 – Clootie: I dont know the fuck im doing

  71. Mista said:

    what a fucking asshole

  72. Falcon0408 said:

    filthy traders

  73. nijoonen: Gaston - 8-) said:

    such a tragic guy