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He is still not schizophrenic (VACCINE MARK OF THE BEAST)he is just being Gangstalked and Joe Biden 9/11 targeted by Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) by the NWO shadow government! People can be targeted for many reasons ~!!REVELATIONS 13:16-17!!~ including their online activity![This is where the roster is meant to be]5g qanon qposts cia BLUEHELMET BBQ mossad nords Hyperborea Agartha epstein WAKEUP ghislaine maxwell in israel israel USS liberty mossad 9/11 joe biden debate jidf (ASK ME ABOUT THE USS LIBERTY) quarantine lockdown MENACRISM coronavirus bioweapon corona THE LORD IS ANTIVAXX 5g coronavirus fake (They're getting louder) brenton tarrant deepfake [We've changed our players Hitler UFO-> Die Glocke around so much not even I know who is playing what] YOUARENOTAWAKE Trump Drumf Donald coronavirus bioweapon COVID-19 vaccine [THE VOICES ARE DUE TO VOICE TO SKULL (V2K) TECHNOLOGY] HAARP Chemtrails Third Temple I HATE THE ANTICHRIST


  • None

Registered Players

No players registered

Upcoming Fixtures

Date Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No fixtures for this team.


Date Round Team 1 Team 2 Result
Season 38 [Archives]
Week 7 (Low) 2 - 4
Week 6 (Low) 6 - 0
Week 5 (Low) 1 - 5
Week 4 (Low) Default Loss
Week 3 (Low) 3 - 3
Week 2 (Low) 5 - 1
Week 1 (Low) Default Win


Date DL POV Competition Round Team 1 Team 2
No demos for this team.

Team Name History

Date Old Name New Name
Gang Stalking & Directed Energy Weapons BOSEGOTHERRENOBLITERATION511

Player History

Action Player By Date
Left messy HASASYIN
Left vita vita
Left Ajax Ajax
Left Woona Woona
Left nik nik
Left Klin Klin
Left reem Woona
Joined nik Woona
Joined Ajax Woona
Left Ajax Ajax
Joined Klin Woona
Joined reem Woona
Joined messy Woona
Joined vita Woona
Joined HASASYIN Woona
Joined Ajax Woona
Joined Woona Woona