[Highlander]Homepage | http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CpOrangeHL |
Server | None specified |
IRC | None specified |
We are a div6/iron HL team
Add [☁]Emiel for scrims and officials
We are curently looking for players and always for backups
Scout: I Am Link, Ama Backup: -slice, Veach
Soldier: Green_Joke33 Backup: T3x4s Styl3, Frozen Cookie, Nova
Pyro: Mystic Fire Backup: T3x4s Styl3, Veach, Emiel!
Demo: Ubie Backup: KatenGaas
Heavy: Emiel! Backup: T3x4s Styl3, Sathan
Engie: Suicidal Squirrel Backup: T3x4s Styl3, Frozen Cookie, Veach
Medic: BadNameCreator Backup: T3x4s Styl3, KatenGaas, Nova
Sniper: -dice Backup: Sathan
Spy: [☁]Emiel Backup: -slice, KatenGaas, Veach, Nova
Backups: T3x4s Styl3, KatenGaas, -slice, Frozen Cookie, Veach, Nova, Sathan
Link etf2l team: http://etf2l.org/teams/20024/
Link UGC team: http://www.ugcleague.com/team_page.cfm?clan_id=11328
Mumble server: mumble.colonslash.eu 10022
- None
Registered Players
No players registered |
Upcoming Fixtures
Date | Competition | Round | Team 1 | Team 2 | ||
No fixtures for this team. |
Date | Round | Team 1 | Team 2 | Result | ||
No results for this team. |
Date | DL | POV | Competition | Round | Team 1 | Team 2 |
No demos for this team. |
Player History
Action | Player | By | Date |
Left | [☁]Emiel | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | simon | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | Mystic Fire | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | KatenGaas | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | IAmLinkAmA | [☁]Emiel | |
More | |||
Left | Green_Joke33 | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | Frozen Cookie | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | eyymiel | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | -slice | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | -ImDo- Das Ubermensc | [☁]Emiel | |
Left | Maurice | Maurice | |
Left | veach | veach | |
Left | BadNameCreator | BadNameCreator | |
Joined | veach | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | Maurice | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | IAmLinkAmA | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | -slice | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | eyymiel | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | simon | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | -ImDo- Das Ubermensc | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | KatenGaas | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | Green_Joke33 | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | Frozen Cookie | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | BadNameCreator | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | Mystic Fire | [☁]Emiel | |
Joined | [☁]Emiel | [☁]Emiel |