It has taken a while, but we can now announce promotions and relegation critera for non-premier divisions! Please bear in mind that we have to consider the new Season 11 structure when deciding these spots, as well as factor in the madness that is the pre-season division seeding. We’d like to have just one group […]
Promotions, Relegations, Minor Updates and Unban
November 17, 2011
There can be only one…
October 16, 2011
It’s been several months since we last saw Highlander played in ETF2L. The highly successful Community Challenge saw thousands of players getting a fresh taste of competitive TF2, and concluded with our pub heroes SNSD taking the crown. With such great success and so many new players getting into TF2, we couldn’t resist giving the community a […]
Finally – Ultiduo Cup #3!
September 27, 2011
The third ETF2L Ultiduo Cup, albeit a little later than usual, has arrived! The date for day 1 is Sunday, October 2nd. Not much is different, except for one thing – day 1 will be groups, not a knockout stage. This means that every team will be put into a group, with the top 1 […]
Season 10: The Final Tables!
September 19, 2011
You waited long enough and we kept our promise to release the tables today!* Before you have a look at them we would like to remind you of some changes and rules. The first play week featuring cp_badlands and cp_gullywash_pro is starting on Sunday, September 25th. This means you should start to schedule your matches […]
Sweet Spice Season 10!
August 27, 2011
It brings us great relief to announce that the summer hiatus is almost at an end, and the time for our 10th season is at hand! With i43 practically over (Check it out!) and only 17 weeks until Christmas, we have a decent window to host what will be our 10th main season. So without […]