Logjam Updated As you may have noticed, published a new version of cp_logjam last night, featuring mostly bugfixes. Due to this happening during the week logjam is being played; we leave the choice which version is going to be played in any officials to the teams: Unless both teams agree to play cp_logjam_b18, b19 will be […]
Logjam & Rules Update
February 16, 2015
Staff Changes, Bans, AC Applications open again and Logjam_b10
September 22, 2014
Staff Changes After his great professional contribution to the AC team for over 1 year and stepping his way up to Head AC Admin, we are wishing goodbye. Lazybear was an influential member of the AC team and will be sorely missed. He brought many new ideas to the table along with a professional attitude […]
Logjam Cup powered by serveme.tf: The Wrap-Up
September 19, 2014
And with this we conclude this new biggest cup 6v6 ETF2L has ever hosted – beating the record the Turbine Cup set by a full bracket- 144 teams in total! We’d like to thank all participating teams and we hope the cup was to your liking. If you have any constructive feedback, feel free to […]
Logjam Cup powered by serveme.tf: Logjam Update
September 16, 2014
published another version, cp_logjam_b10pre1 . The map will be on both ETF2L and serveme.tf servers, ready to be used tonight. However, because this happens on such short notice, teams may only play cp_logjam_b10pre1 if both teams agree to use the new version. If the teams do not agree to play the new version, cp_logjam_b9 will be played! Download […]
Logjam Cup powered by serveme.tf: Knock-out Stages
September 16, 2014
First of all: Sorry about the Golden Cap mess during the tiebreakers, we fucked up. All of us forgot how to play Golden Caps with a timelimit. Shouldn’t have happened, but happened nonetheless (it should’ve been played like explained below). Now to our actual business tonight: The Knock-out Stages! The part where the teams will give […]