ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 

New Ultiduo #2 Date; Admin Updates, Summer Cups!

Date August 8, 2011

Ultiduo Cup #2  reschedule Having been made aware that a few teams would be unable to play on Sunday the 14th, and also because some people would prefer spectating the Bigfoot TF2 Challenge II Invite and play the 2nd ETF2L Ultiduo Cup at a later date, we are offering the opportunity to play on a […]

ETF2L Public Server, Admin changes, bans, One Night Cup coming soon

Date May 11, 2011

ETF2L Public Server It’s been gone for a while, but it’s back! The official ETF2L public server is now live for ETF2L members only! You can find the server here: Play fair and enjoy! Admin Changes For various reasons, the following players will be leaving the admin team: mvp. mihalch We would like to […]