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Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 7: Wonderland vs. Fenneks eSports

Date July 2, 2015

As the season draws even closer to its end we gaze down upon the bottom half of Prem. surprised and aggravated many with their entry into the highest tier of play. They haven’t gathered many points sitting in last place behind and their opponents for the evening. No matter how much struggled, with roster issues […]

Season 21 powered by Tt eSPORTS Premiership Week 2: The Last Resort vs. Wonderland

Date May 31, 2015

Rounding out our week once again is tonight they will be pitted against the up and coming . ’s team seems to be struggling with keeping an intact roster with players coming and going as they seem fit. Meanwhile ’s initial roster shakeups have been worked out and ’ crew is going strong with Russian […]