Stopwatch Config Update We have released a minor update to our Stopwatch configs: mp_maxrounds is now set to 2 With this change, mp_tournament will now successfully reset after each map round (after each team has both attacked and defended). This should improve compatibility with plugins that start/stop demos based on mp_tournament and take end-of-round screenshots. […]
Config and Whitelist Update, new AC staff & Bans
March 23, 2013
ETF2L 6th Cup Signup & Default Date Reminders, Anti-Cheat Recruitment
November 12, 2012
ETF2L 6th Cup Signups still open! The 6th big ETF2L cup that can hold up to 200 teams and has a prize pool of €300 still has over 100 slots left. Signups close this Saturday, on November 17, so you better convince your team leader today to get your team signed up. This cup is […]