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ScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

England aNxiety

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello all, as you all won't know me I'll tell you a bit about myself.

My names Liam and I'm 19.
I'm looking to get more into the competitive side of tf2 as I've had the game since '08 so I know my way around the game and only recently started dabbling with things such as tf2lobby and really enjoy the more competitive side of the game. I like to play as a roaming Soldier and know when the right time to try a tactical jump to pick off the Medic.
Don't let my lack of competitive experience get in the way, I'm used to high pressure gaming and playing in leagues as I played CS for 4 years at a good level before I quit last year.
I'm currently doing home learning college and live with my girlfriend so I wont be around 24/7 but I'm very flexible and available pretty much all the time with notice.

EDIT: Just also added I can play scout, obviously would prefer Solly but I'm also capable of playing scout at the same level.

All I'm looking for would be a Div 6/5 team with a nice bunch of people always willing to help as I'm all about learning new things.

Anyway if anyones interested in having a chat with me hit me up on http://steamcommunity.com/id/aNxietyy.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:11550087 Add Friend

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Joined Team Colonslash: Par! [6v6] izaak²²
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Left Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined Definitive Gaming [Highlander] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Lokter

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  1. numlocked: (king of all rollouts) - Epsilon said:

    dude rocks! played cs and tf2 with him years ago. lots of fun :) deserves a team willing to teach him, can go far!

  2. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:


  3. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:


  4. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    bump, added that I can also play scout.

  5. aNxiety: TC.Par! said:

    bump, bored of tf2lobby :<

  6. Zealos said:

    Easily better than div6 at solly, dunno about scout. GET HIM :D