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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Zero

Posted: | Last Online:

From England, speak english, cant speak any other language, 18 years old, know all maps that are in season 10.

The team i was in about 2 hours ago basically screwed me over by the leader saying he cant handle a server and said the team would fall apart so i had a go at him and then quit his team. Basically looking for anything! can even be a backup! just want to play!

Have played tonnes of mixes in the newbie mix group.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:86039007 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Please drop team (srsly) [6v6] Zero
Joined Please drop team (srsly) [6v6] Zero
Left Get Busy [6v6] Zero
Joined Get Busy [6v6] Zero

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  1. Krazko: IDK said:

    A really nice guy! Should handle div 6 no probs!!

  2. SnowAgainst said:

    This guy plays epic in mixes. If you need to get a good scout take this one. He should easily play in div 6. And very nice player

  3. Spelling: ? said:

    get this guy if you want to be disqualified mid season 10.

  4. Zealos said:

    Pro’s: Best sniper ever with only 70 hours tf2.
    Always knows where the enemy are.
    Knows the exact movements to make to cancel the miniguns spread on HWG.
    Hits meatshots 100% of the time
    Con’s: Hacks.

  5. Lenny said:


  6. The Man with many Faces: spire said:


  7. cytrus said:

    you’ve been banned, bro !!!11