ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ScoutSoldier  Prem Skill, National 6v6 Team

England England

Posted by dunc: | Last Online:

** UPDATE **

We now have a lineup with 4 or 5 prem-capable players.

We need either a roaming soldier or a positional (i.e. intelligent, not a retard D4 aimbot) scout.

If you are… LANable (potentially off your own back to begin with) and non-raging/crying/whining. I'll be much more likely to give you repeated trials if you can show that you have a calm, cool attitude towards the game.

You'll be expected to play 3d/week and not give up TF2 at the whiff of a potentially new great game (hi mvp, how is Brink treating you? ;).

Contact me on IRC – dunc (big DUNC means I'm offline; leave a message on my BNC).

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  1. Mike: TEZC said:


  2. dunc: infs - dp. said:

    you wouldn’t understand Mike

  3. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Heroic team when I started TF2, I hope you can make a team to live up to the reputation dunc!

  4. torden: broder - syster said:

    Best of luck. Get skre back to activity!

  5. evokje: WiK? said:

    BEST clan name EVER

  6. NoJu: 8D said:

    These guys playing in the final was the first proper TF2 game I specced, needs to go huge as fuck

  7. flushy: P.O.P said:

    fucking love you duncan, sorry i cant fanboy u because im already dajackals fanboy )) best of luck man, get byyben and ryb??

  8. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Not sure if troll, or incoming awesome.

  9. Genmix: bobs said:

    Good luck man :)

  10. Trane said:

    Would be awesome to see Ubersexuals back.

    GL Dunc – but yeah, to live up to the old reputation you’ve gotta only accept the best!

  11. dunc: infs - dp. said:

    Yeah, top 5 is where I want to be – I have no real interest in playing below that.

    If I’m going to suck, I may as well do it as soldier and have some fun in the meanwhile :D

  12. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    tocsix fadestep santa :D

  13. bybben: broder said:

    wtf u on about dunc.. rage is what fuels a great team, should rather look to recruit a guy to act pinata for a good verbal beating (agron comes to mind)

  14. dunc: infs - dp. said:


  15. dajackal: d.intel said:

    gl dunc <3

  16. arc: iSlam said:

    gl, glad to see the team back

    hopefully :)

  17. poison said:

    ITS ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:


  19. BonkerS said:

    remember these guys from appes soldier movie. if the team get a full roster this should be an interesting season

  20. e said:

    Yay! Good luck!

  21. Blade said:

    ÜBERSEXUALS was my favourite team long time ago, a lot of GL!!

  22. huhystah said:

    Best team name eu

  23. NervousBoy said:

    convince snap to play tf2 again!

  24. Vali: -9w- said:

    Saw dunc playing for idk and was impressed at how quickly he’s returned to form, managing to drop every other uber. Best of luck to ya.

  25. dunc: infs - dp. said:

    thanks vali you fucking useless shitter :D

  26. skre: Kvakkistansen said:

    Big DUNC means he’s offline.

  27. Childish Gubbino said:

    Not a complete douche at lan ;)

  28. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:


  29. wrex said:
