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DemomanMedicScoutSniper  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Finland P.Arkinson

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello eeveribadi.

I am just testing, if there would be any proper teams in need of backups..

I cant play everyday, because of irl, workin time is at the same time ppl plays pcw's, but only two weeks of a month (I work 3pm->21/23pm)

I aint awesome, am pretty good.

Pm me at irc (P-Arkinson) or add in steam or shoutout here..

Cheers, happy summer, happy endings.. Schweeet

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:308021 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined jimmie rustlers [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left foldbitten [6v6] P.Arkinson
Joined foldbitten [6v6] sieppox
Left foldbitten [6v6] P.Arkinson
Joined foldbitten [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left The Hampshire Heavies [6v6] P.Arkinson
Joined parkpox [2v2] P.Arkinson
Joined The Hampshire Heavies [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left Turbo Monkeys [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left Feline Rights League [Highlander] Panic of the Undead
Joined Turbo Monkeys [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left Turbo Monkeys [6v6] P.Arkinson
Joined Turbo Monkeys [6v6] P.Arkinson
Left Zombies Ate My Neighbors [6v6] P.Arkinson
Joined Feline Rights League [Highlander] Panic of the Undead
Joined Zombies Ate My Neighbors [6v6] Panic of the Undead

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 17 1076
View Div 2/Div 3 8 538
View Mid 8 585
View Low+ 2 305


  1. tasKu: e-famous said:

    fun guy!
    great aim with pipes and hitting dem meatshots ))

  2. Finn: [:B] said:

    if he gets a new pc, he could easily be a div1 scout ;)

  3. P.Arkinson: shh said:

    I need no new pc, wooden pc fighter fo life.. Could use a new table tho!

  4. rarecandy said:

    wait you’re still using that broken table? :D

    absolutely love P.Arkinson, one of the nicest people I’ve ever met and also good at TF2!

  5. P.Arkinson: shh said:

    rare; Yes, no money to buy newone ^^ Well, kneemuscles are gettin exercised ;)

  6. Ryssen: re# - Chive said:


  7. Poppis: zamn! said:

    Sweet saga bro 8)