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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Foster

Posted: | Last Online:

Didn't really know what skill to put in the title, so in true UK modest fashion I put the highest ones.

Been away from home for a while, and am looking for a div3/2 backup role as pretty much anything OR an individual class backup.

I am roughly:
Scout: Div1/2
Solly: Div 3
Demo: Div 4
Medic: The worst.

I should improve fairly quickly if I actually get some PCWs in Sol/Demo, as I'm pretty much DM only on them. I have a teeny bit of gamesense as scout, but aim could be a bit shit until I buy a mouse that isn't broken . Matt taught me everything he knows.

As long as I'm told in advance what days you want me, I can play pretty much any day.

Please don't be too keen, or mad, or overly foreign. Nice guys with a sense of humour preferred.

Not sure If going to i43 yet.

I will be away from Saturday for 5 days or so, then will be back again for the duration.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:33515593 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 9 Men [6v6] CeeGee
Left 2-shot Xavier and the scrubs [6v6] Foster
Joined 2-shot Xavier and the scrubs [6v6] Foster
Left TwistedPlay [6v6] Foster
Joined TwistedPlay [6v6] Foster
Left OcularPenetrationMasala.invite [6v6 Fun Team] Foster
Left Team Infused [6v6] Greg
Joined Team Infused [6v6] nvc
Left The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Joined OcularPenetrationMasala.invite [6v6 Fun Team] Arcadizz1e
Left Ocular Penetration Masala [6v6 Fun Team] Foster
Joined Ocular Penetration Masala [6v6 Fun Team] Foster
Left Ocular Penetration Masala [6v6 Fun Team] Foster
Joined Ocular Penetration Masala [6v6 Fun Team] Foster
Joined The Devils Rejects [6v6] Loco
Left KOALAPUNCH [6v6] Foster
Joined KOALAPUNCH [6v6] ilike2spin
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Foster
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Foster
Left need teamname [6v6] Foster
Joined need teamname [6v6] Brutallus
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Foster
Joined Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] Tobyy
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] WOODY[
Left Vertex3 [6v6] Foster
Joined Vertex3 [6v6] Foster

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 42 1717
View Mid- 39 1027
View Low+ 2 264
View Low+ 0 199


  1. Mike: TEZC said:

    cool guy, a bit downy though

  2. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Medic : Best (in the York area)

  3. r7an: -9w- said:

    legend. gl

  4. davesan: epx^ - Panda said:


  5. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    best taste in music TF2 EU

    (after me)

  6. Dummy! said:

    Q how does one get to mid as a demoman?
    A foster does not know

  7. Dummy! said:

    Q how does one get to mid as a demoman?
    A foster does not know

  8. Dummy! said:


  9. lolage: TSPAG said:

    best voice eu

  10. The Man with many Faces: spire said:

    Very nice guy

  11. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    Most inventive rollouts EU

  12. mrwhizz said:

    deep voice man

  13. yin said:

    “Boss” is what descripes him perfectly

  14. dougiie: CotC said:

    I love Foster.

  15. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Voice is fucking orgasmic

  16. samura1 said:

    buffalo what did you mean by saying orgasmic? :D

  17. huhystah said:

    Epic guy, good player as well.


  18. poxie said:

    please don’t play soldier or demo, foster, pleeeassseeee.

  19. fainT(a) said:

    Loves to watch the flanks well :D

  20. Qun: GoT<3 said:


  21. randa said:

    Foster is best! He has the sexiest bed hair.

  22. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    An awesome guy ( quite weird but yeh ).
    Good luck ;)

  23. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:


    See you in 6 days xxx

  24. woody. said:


  25. Greg: TEZC said:

    my hero