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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands logophobia

Posted: | Last Online:

I am a beginning tf2 competitive scout player who'd like to join a decent team. I've been doing a bit of lobbying (and getting decent results) and I'd like to join a team to play scrims or tournaments (etf2l and others) in a 6v6 format. I prefer a dutch speaking team, but my english is also quite good, so any english speaking team in Europe will do. My mic is good.

I am available a lot during the summer (4-5 times a week), willing to learn being a good team player. I feel my aim/dodging/dm is quite good, but my strategy/gamesense could use work which is why I want to join a team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:31999453 Add Friend

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  1. nirock said:

    Really good scout!
    nice aim and nice sense..
    Belong to div5 ofcurse!

    i would take him if my english was better =[

  2. omerzie said:

    really really really really good scout
    know how to play the class
    should play in div 5 , hope you will find a team !!!


  3. omerzie said:

    really really really really good scout
    know how to play the class
    should play in div 5 , hope you will find a team !!!


  4. omerzie said:

    lol why did it wrote me twice :D

  5. . said:


    add him…he will be back next week though…