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Scout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England nervousENERGY BLU

Posted by Monkeh: | Last Online:

So it appears we need a scout again please. Full time, playing Sunday-Thursday from 20:15 CET, Div 4, no rage, no idiots, no….. non-humans.

We're nervousENERGY BLU and we have servers and mumble and website and friends and lots of pcw's and fun times.

Come play with us sometime, add me or post here. All those we trialled last time or expresed and interest and didn't get a chance, please feel free to have a chat with me again.

Scout/Full time/Div4/Nice Person/No Rage/go go go go go go go!

****UPDATE: Due to summer holidays the trials probably wont start until the end of the month****

******UPDATE TO THE UPDATE: Due to the number of people wanting trials for scout, this shop is now closed until further notice. We have enough trialists for now, thanks. Seriously though, wow, cheers everyone.*******

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  1. Sparky: HoT<3 said:

    <3 these people.

    Serious skillz + awesome bunch of guys.

    GL finding a good scout, though it will be difficult to find someone as awesome as Willow. :(

  2. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    Haha, remember these guys, Always played against them back in 8U, really nice lads and they deffentley div 4 if not even div 3 by now.

  3. Ramown: TIDS said:

    Stop underestimating yourselves guys! :D

  4. dr icecream said:

    Eh? I thought Willow and Vode were a proper scout bromo pair?

  5. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Cheers guys and gals.
    @ Sparky: Indeed.
    @Fanto: I wish.
    @Ramown: Wish we were mate.
    @Icecream: So did I, but Willow decided he cba with comp anymore.

  6. BlinkBoy: GFM said:

    Trial me :O

  7. lolage: TSPAG said:

    great guys, very dedicated have improved stacks. gl!

  8. poison said:

    i’d try

  9. Willow: .:ne:. said:

    Playing TF2 with the guys in the Blu team have given me some of my best compTF2 memories. They’re an amazing bunch of people, with decent skills and a massive amount of potential. If the lineup gets resolved quickly then I can easily see these guys winning div4 next season.

    @Icecream: We were, and we still are. I just don’t have the time or energy to play TF2 at any reasonably serious level anymore.

  10. djshrew said:

    Nice guys from what i remember. had a bad season, but think they have a solid team for next season. GL finding ur scout!

  11. atomic said:

    really awesome community and nice people out there. BLU edition is simply awesome, had some games with and vs. them. Was simply awesome :) gl guys

  12. Skully said:

    great bunch of lads and great comunity. I know blu are on the rise and have a nice chane at div4 this season

  13. SWiFT: MAYOGURL - Poo said:

    gl guys! they have hz!

  14. CanFo: (Legend) - [HA] - #T4F said:

    http://etf2l.org/recruitment/93409/ ?