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ScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

England nervousENERGY BLU

Posted by Monkeh: | Last Online:

Oh hello there, it seems we're back in business. Humbug made me do it sir.

.:ne:. NU BLU shall be a fun place to play some games of the video.

We have a soldier, a scout, a demolitions man and a medic, so it's a nice start, but it seems we shall need another one of those pesky scoots and another one of them dumb ass soldiers plus, maybe a back up or two too, twoo, to, 2, deux, zwei, laba, snau, zug, telu, tau, and in various other languages too.

I don't really know what level we'll be playing at to be perfectly honest as humbug and Mike haven't played comp for a while, and we're missing two players, but I reckon div 4 will fit just nice. We shall be our fourth TF2 team, so there's plenty of people around to discuss tf2 with, mix with or just ignore and sit in your own channel all night if you really want to, however people willing to be active in the community are preferred.

We probably won't be going all super serious, consider this more of a laid back approach to TF2, but smelted together will an iron will to win…something like that anyways. Relaxed, but still wanting to play the game well and do some good work.

My teams have no rage, no dick heads, a distinct lack of troll binds and nothing else I don't like, the rest of which you can work out by trial and error.

We have millions of servers and a large community that play all kinds of games, I think I even heard some of us playing an online multiplayer match of Civilisation 5 the other night…so yeah, trackmania, minecraft, dota, lol, BF3, Civ now apparently and lots of other games get played a lot so you can find a nice home away from tf2 as well.

Feel free to add me and we can have a chat. We'll be having a look tonight for some games to see how we sit in the grand TF2 frame so sooner the better really, plus we have some interest already from some people who know us, so don't panic if we don't get round to playing with you straight away either.

Speak to you all soon. I look forward to it. I really do.

In the meantime, feel free to check out our website: http://www.nervousenergy.co.uk/ It's quite nice.

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  1. FrankTheTank said:

    Monkeh is my favourite Monkeh

  2. .:ne:. Hippy: .:ne:. said:

    This team is full of awesome peoples. That is all.

  3. Typhoon: Laconic. said:

    Hi i invited you to friend list :)

  4. Typhoon: Laconic. said:

    Mhm cant invite monkeh because he have full steamfriends, and humbug have problems with steam because cant invite him too :/ so invite me soon as you will see this post. I want to trial as roamer ;)

  5. Jonny said:

    Added you mate, waiting on you to accept. Would like to talk to you about a trial. Cheers.

  6. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    I have cleared some room and accepted all who have come before me…speak to you all soon…on the moon…holding a spoon…BOOM!

  7. frix: LG said:

    grab franky back

  8. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    Awesome bunch, deserve the best.

  9. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Who’s the scout ? i can see two solderers a madic and a spammoman on that roster! Best of luck guys, ne blu should live once more!

  10. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    We shall live and be strong and powerful…or weak and supreme shit.

    The team page has the details of our current line up. The bits wot i rote.

  11. Raxen said:

    I want to trial as a scout add me because your friend list is full.

  12. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Well my friends list is full because I’ve had around 30 people ask for a trial. I’m afraid you’ll just have to wait for a bit, once we’ve whittled out some chaff and they’ve been deleted you can have another go.

    Anyone want to admit to being chaff now to save me some hassle?

  13. frix: LG said:

    every single one of them are monkeh, delete all and get frnaky baaack^^

  14. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    One of the permanent pillars of TF2, should be anyones first pick if they want a stable team.

    gl ;)

  15. M4RK said:

    I want to trial in your team for scout spot, but monkeh your friend list is full :x