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MedicScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European Easy Going

Posted by Dummy: | Last Online:

Yeah I get it skeej, youre always right stop rubbing it in <3
as expected re-making EG with Fallen as demoman and me as soldier.
why div 2 / 1? I'm div 2 and Fallen is div 1, thus by using my amazing math skills I came to the conclusion of us being div 2/1

looking for a pocket soldier who can keep the medic alive, optionally also a really aggressive main caller

a pair of scouts with a defensive rather than aggressive playstyle to fit in with Fallen as he is a m1 + m2 hero who needs scouts who can cover his ass,

a medic who can pop uber at the right time, dodge stuff and heal stuff, optionally also a really aggressive main caller,

general do-wants are good english, stability, honesty, respect to your opponents in games (troll all you want in pugs or mixes), and the ability to follow main calls 100% of the time no matter what you think of them.

/q ymmud or fallen92 on Quakenet (also Gamesurge for me) or add me or fallen on steam.

Unable to add anyone to the roster, including fallen, at the moment due to them being locked due to the play-offs.

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  1. poxie said:

    fallen very good demoman

    dummy very bad soldier.

  2. Nisa said:

    fallen very good demoman

    dummy very good soldier.

  3. Dummy! said:

    you know when I said longer than 1 sentence comments appreciated I actually meant not generic everyday comments appreciated, boys

  4. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    decent guys, dummy’s a very loyal player and has just been really unlucky.
    Both players have loads of potential.
    fallen very good demoman
    dummy not THAT bad soldier.

  5. Dummy! said:

    From Woody cause hes banned:

    fallen very good demoman

    dummy ok soldier. <3

    dummy and fallen are consistent players with some great dm to match. all they need is some stability and organization. some seriously good potential in this team if it stays together. good luck lads
    I love dummys cock – dont trust him when he says hes selling my anal virginity, my gaping hole belongs to him

  6. tayzu said:

    whilst its well known that dummy is massive cunt i have came to like him for it after previously wanting to hang him if he ever went lan.. with hes weird heritage and even weirder accent.. he is actually a decent solly but a better pyro and fallen is a very consistant demo with a quite defensive playstyle gl

  7. dauk said:

    why not to make div 3/2 team that will last a time then create something over your skills and fold. again.

  8. Vladi: TIDS said:

    you really post a reply from a mate of yours under your own rec post?

  9. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    agree with dauk

  10. Sonny Black: (Legend) - SUAVE said:

    agree with dauk

  11. atomic said:

    trial meh dummy :DDDD

  12. Orchid: |=3 said:

    both of them have improved quite well over the past few months, especially dummy. He used to be a div4 trolling cunt, now hes a proper div3/2 solly, still a trolling cunt though.
    <3 u both.

  13. Dummy! said:

    vladi – he is banned from posting so he asked me to post it
    dauk – we would have folded if we were div 4 or 5 or 6 as well

  14. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    dummy shit gamer )))

    fallen best gamer )))

  15. Genmix: bobs said:

    fallen is a rapetrain *choo choo*

  16. flushy: P.O.P said:

    fallen nice guy


  17. dauk said:

    okay ill put it other way. neither of you have skills to play at top div2 nor dm nor gamesense wise (especially gamesense) level and you are a horrible person as a leader. no team can achieve something with leadership attitude like yours that you had in s8.

  18. dauk said:


  19. WAR: GlueEater said:

    Maybe dauk, if dummy grows up and stops using memes in every sentence he creates :C =C and countless emoticons, he could be taken seriously and the team could go somewhere.

    But until then, I don’t see it happening.

  20. Dummy! said:

    Fallen has been playing and doing fine at a low div 1 level with RAGE. It’s amazing that you know my leadership out of what… rumours? please inform me, I might be misinformed. I’m not a good leader ala Grimbar, aye, I can’t control my team mates but just because your team has (rightfully or not) decided to never play us again due to Matt trolling you shouldn’t the above ^
    you’re a horrible troll yourself man, your trolling of me in IRC when I was contacting you because skeej was not online and on the match page was distasteful
    also indeed, im a horrible person in mixes, pugs, but ask RQ or your own team or anyone who has not ragequit against us in pcws (hi pledge), please

  21. binge said:


  22. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Er, what Dauk? Fallen’s more than capable of division 1. We get it, you hate Dummy, but stop hating on his teammates just because you hate him.

  23. dauk said:

    I will not go into skill police things, but statements like quote: “Fallen has been playing and doing fine at a low div 1 level with RAGE.”, rage did not played any seasons together and I do not see them even top div2.

    As for our mach page dummy you should be a highlighted dick to talk like that since I was trying to scheldure our games by you as much as possible. We delayed our games for almost a month because fallen was not available and I was trying to fit in it and not to get default win and now you calling me troll due one replica that ended up being true. Also as sportsmanship you are you were throwing binds and using frontier justice engineer, well played. And I never trolled you on IRC when it was for our game scheldure.

    I was mercing for you around 3 time and I heard the atmosphere and reactions from members due your leadership. Going emo, trolliing instead of playing, being a wuss in total. I dont see why you take is at offense, there are few clanless REAL div1 players and I’m very doubtful that they would like to join troll team as yours.

  24. Dummy! said:

    hi binge
    how is the weather today

  25. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Fallen is a top player who makes up for Dummy being bad.

  26. Frix: LG said:

    they are both mad

  27. Dummy! said:

    what you see does not matter, but rage has been winning against div 2 and 1 teams (and losing, yes, obviously).
    again, going to point by point because you enjoy missing out facts, like e.g. when we tried to schedule our game, it was delayed for ‘almost a month’ not only because of US but also because of YOU :) I was not throwing binds
    I was not using frontier justice engineer
    you did troll me on IRC by calling me an idiot for contacting you, not skeej, before I told you skeej was not online
    claiming that matt’s cba attitude was because of my leadership is silly, ask his previous teams (no offense mat still love your german hookers story)

  28. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    At least dauk is not a troll… He’s just genuinely mad xD

    I can sadly not entirely disagree with what dauk says. Communicating and playing with [EG] was never the most joyful thing in TF2. It’s simply a fact. But hey, the past is the past, time for a fresh start.

    Contrary to popular belief (apparently), I think Dummy’s a great roamer. Fallen doesn’t even need an introduction. But why div2/1? Don’t pull another Icarus. You said “if we were div5/4/3 we would have folded anyway”. I deem that to be simply not true, as it’s way easier to find players at that level (which also match your team personality-wise) when you have current players dropping from your roster. There’s simply more players available there. And as long as you’re a new and freshly composed team, the risk of players dropping out (for whatever reason) is way bigger than with a stable team. That’s why one shouldn’t aim too high when creating a new team from scratch.

    I think div1 is kinda silly to aim at. Now that you’ve mentioned my team so many times, I’ll tell you that we would have been fine being put in div4 for season 8 (but we got div3 anyhow, lost everything, but built our team to be able to perform well in S9). Use the season to build your team properly, and evolve as a cohesive unit. Thén go think about climbing the divs.

    I would say Dummy’s a more than solid div2 solly when put in the right team that matches his playstyle. Fallen is div2 easy by default. So don’t aim higher than div2. Take it easy. (tempted to make a weak pun ;D)

  29. Dummy! said:

    it seems like skeej is a….
    myth buster
    jokes aside stop being right, ill put div 2 so I dont get any more Matts

  30. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:


  31. grimbar said:

    Just dropping by to say that frontier justice is allowed by the ruleset, stop mad dauk.

  32. Junde: NMH - sisu said:

    dummy and fallen are both great guys and definitely capable of div1. Also dummy is a SICK maincaller and I’ve noticed that he does have some gamesense aswell.
    GL dumdum and fallen 8)

  33. Loco: Mayo said:

    TF2 needs more active ” new teams”
    i aprove of this thread so gluck.

  34. Genmix: bobs said:

    Both very capable players :)

  35. fallen said:


  36. Dummy! said:

    fallen, http://lolpics.se/24633-bitchplz

  37. CrashSite: RIPMOULD said:

    Dummy has improved a lot in the time I have known him, he has got better with his comms in particular. Fallen is a beast and I think everyone knows this.

    More importantly Dummy is committed to keeping this team going, so there is not a chance of a fold, people should look into them.

  38. Fantomen {:): nandos said:

    lol dauk mad as fuck.

  39. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    Fallen is a beast (Belgian, ofcourse <3) and a very nice guy, also prem pyro :D
    Dummy is also ok, good caller, and can be a nice guy, sadly I have only played with him in pickups :) If they are both commited I guess they can put up a good team solid to play in div2.
    Good luck boys!

  40. binge said:

    it’s quite sunny & warm
    add me again

  41. Dummy! said:

    you do it

  42. fallen said:

    no u

  43. Daystar: ‹Con› said:

    dummy you’re a good soldier and a great maincaller (also it’s nice for me to not be wearing my own voice out for once) and I actually enjoy playing with you.

    fallen you’re a sick demo and I’ve always enjoyed playing with you.

    Good luck and dummy I’ll catch you on Steam to chat.

  44. fallen said:


  45. Dummy! said:


  46. fallen said:


  47. fallen said:


  48. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    Dummy is scheduling beast.

  49. Xabi said:

    Would be interested but i haven’t been playing for a few months… i think you’re still in my friend list dummy. I will contact you in a week when i get back home, if you’re interested of course !

    I don’t care playing main or backup tbh :)

  50. Matt: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Dummy is terrible, do not join this team.

  51. Dummy! said:


  52. Joshhh: MANDEM - LEGO said:

    spastic dummy