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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European Easy Going

Posted by Dummy: | Last Online:

got a scout. now need a allrounder backup with medic being most important as some of u noticed on our team page it already said that.
add me for trialing.
edit 2:
don't add me if you can't speak english very well (accent is ok, look at volum, his accent is heavier than an elephant but his english is fine :D/), or if you're div 4 "but I can handle it"

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  1. Mike: TEZC said:

    good luck

  2. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Not Div2


    Fallen’s awesome. <3

  3. Cizeer said:

    …. it’s not 2 div ….

    i love fallen :*

  4. Frix: LG said:

    fawlz and dumm are the best!

  5. Van1lla: F! said:

    Not div 2… :——D

  6. Dummy said:

    shoot head blow brains, knew I should not have added that in the post :D
    cheers people o/

  7. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    inb4 skill police URE NOT DIV2

    Dummy & fallen= pure awesomness

  8. Moreg: dc. said:

    gotta say it as well, not div2

  9. Genmix: bobs said:


  10. Dummy said:

    not div 3
    see what I did there

  11. Swarlz said:

    or if you’re div 4 “but I can handle it”
    stealing my rec posts now are you Dummy?

  12. Swarlz said:

    PS Gideon fucking hacks

  13. Dummy said:

    mebbe swarlz, mebbe I am
    Gid no hack, he’s just russian, hard to miss a timing out Swarlz anyhow =x

  14. Ghostface: spire said:

    21:46 – [EG] Dummy: SURE WOULD NICE TO BE BUMPED
    21:47 – [EG] Dummy: K?
    22:03 – Teaface: kk

  15. Gideon said:

    !voteban Gideon

  16. Dummy said:


  17. Dummy said:

    priority will be given to a person for the next week, so we won’t have much time to trial other people, will see how it works out and shaite

  18. Gubbins said:

    “we are not div 2, but we want to be div 2”

    “I repeat. we’re not div 2.”

    “please dont say we’re not div 2. we know it!”

    Don’t search Div 2… Gideon headshoots and fallen belgshoots

  19. Dummy said:

    those were just prevention techniques to stop a flameware from ensuing :D/
    anyhow i dont think were div 2 atm as we rely heavily on DM, but hopefully when we get our 6th player it’ll get better =p

  20. fallen said:

    what do u mean with belgshoots :)

  21. Ghostface: spire said:

    Belgian shots.

    Also, Dummy’s a dummy, fallen’s a pretty cool guy, Gideon has Russian aimbots (from Syberia with love)) ).

    Add mortii, volum and some other scout to the mix, and they should scare div2 in 2 weeks time or so.

  22. Frix: LG said:

    I heard fallen is cool and smokes loads of weed and dummy is ragemachine


  23. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    good luck, nice guys ( swarlz<3 )

  24. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    -.- I’m stupid

  25. Dummy said:

    yes, yes you are.

  26. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    Leave me alone, I’m special :(

  27. Dummy said:


  28. Ghostface: spire said:

    Dummy has a fierce lion as his avatar.

  29. Dummy said:

    it is now a fierce 8)’d pink shroom.

  30. fallen said:

    U MAD?

  31. sKaz: KP said:

    friendly bump &talk to me mr./mrs. zombie mod @ CoD BO

  32. Dummy said:

    bump, atm were full with trials so dont add me until I say so here again

  33. mortiii: vertex » said:


  34. Dummy said:


  35. Dummy said:

    new ^

  36. Artificial said:

    *whacks dummy with trout*

  37. Daggial: fap said:

    aahhaah <3 skeej is THE FUTURE