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ScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Macedonia Inspectoooor.

Posted: | Last Online:

English. Not Macedonian.
I'm on a lot, have mic, wouldn't mind you guys having a server, mumble is necessary.
I'm 19. I talk a lot. Willing to get better an all that. Fisting.

ಥ‿ಥ <3 ಥ‿ಥ

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:28357154 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Dance Patrol [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Joined We have BARE $w@G [Highlander] Inspectoooor.
Left Intoxicated [6v6] knife crime
Left 2 Chinks a couple of whites and black YK [Highlander] Inspectoooor.
Joined Intoxicated [6v6] knife crime
Left Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Joined 2 Chinks a couple of whites and black YK [Highlander] Sambearg
Joined Lethal-Zone Orange [6v6] Zippy
Left Simple [6v6] Acky
Joined Simple [6v6] Acky
Left Simple [6v6] Inspectoooor.
Joined Simple [6v6] Inspectoooor.

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5 16 401
View Div 5/Div 6 2 262
View Div 5/Div 6 0 219


  1. Upset panda: 420 said:


  2. lolage: TSPAG said:


  3. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:


  4. Papercut: Chive said:


  5. Opton said:

    Try him out. Realise he actually makes TF2 worth playing. Copy his jokes and get beat up at the local bar for using them.
    Next thing you know you are slurping his semen out of his bellybutton.

    Proper class scout and solly <3

  6. Opton said:


  7. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:


  8. Shizao said:


  9. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:


  10. Acky: EASY - Labi said:

    ALEX ?! YOU TOO?!?!?!?! ;( though a good guy, does his job perfectly. would fit div5 nicely ;)

  11. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:


    Nice guy, nice panda, gl.

  12. Ritalin: [d¿s] said:


  13. rts: PrettyGay said:

    Alex, please.

  14. poxie said:



  15. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    Awesome guy, always fun to play with him and a good soldier too. Good luck mate!

  16. Serpe said:

    ez div 5

  17. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    Bump for great justice!

  18. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    > panda.

  19. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    More bumps.

  20. v1ruz said:

    bump for awesome justice once again, and ofcourse suprise buttsecks

  21. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    Dem Bumps.

  22. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    Still looking. :D

  23. northhhhhh said: