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MedicSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Sit n Go

Posted by Rabb1T: | Last Online:

Recruiting Main soldier and MAIN medic.

For Soldiers :

* Can hit moving things pretty good
* Know what to do in every situation
* Know how to speak ENGLISH
* Active (1-2 wars per day,2-4 days)
* Willing to improve and take criticism
* Can protect medic and change places with roamer while he's getting his ass healed

For Medics :
* Can heal people
* Know what to do in every situation
* Know how to speak ENGLISH
* Active (1-2 wars per day,2-4 days)
* Willing to improve and take criticism

If you're able to do these things without acting stupid (suicidal jumps without a pick and things like that) contact me on steam,via e-mail or just leave response that you want to trial,I will contact you and schedule you a game with us.
If you added me then PM me first with a class and etf2l profile link.

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View Div 5/Div 6 4 447


  1. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Bump,cuz we found a soldier (roamer)

  2. GodOfFail said:

    I can be a medic,1 year experience,looking for a clan for way too long…

  3. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Bump cuz need more ppl to choose from.
    GodOfFail I will contact you about mix/trial games.

  4. Kaash said:

    Hi . Me and a friend medic would like be intergred in your team. Are you interressted ? Contact me at [email protected] or by the website.

  5. Kaash said:

    I have lost fo give for you my steam profil : http://steamcommunity.com/id/kaaaaash
    Add me, thx
    I precise that the medic and me form a good duet. We are present all the evening, whithout the week end. @ In game, see you later.

  6. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:


  7. DL said:

    bump. PM Rabb1t for trial better. And better show up with division 5 experience :)

  8. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    If You’ll add me on steam,msg me! Don’t wait for my message,because of lots of trial games,I’m kinda lost in my steam friend list

  9. Chris: (0v0) said:

    such a team name is obviously indicative of maturity

  10. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    I’m afraid not.
    We are pretty mature. And we kinda don’t care the name thingy. Think what you want. It’s just your opinion .

  11. DL said:

    Bump. And chris. This name is chosen because FaQ sounds like F*ckYou

  12. DIEVAS1 said:


  13. Chris: (0v0) said:

    that was exactly my point. ‘fuck you’ as a teamname is pretty demonstrative of a lack of maturity.

  14. DL said:

    we could be named FaQ but everyone would still say ‘fuck you’ instead.

  15. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    That’s a wrong 1st impression that ppl could make

  16. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Also tomorrow will introduce a new medic to the team,will pick one of those that i trialled.
    Still need a solid 6/5 div soldier (pocket).
    Add me or DL for scheduling trial

  17. Inspectoooor.: DP - has $w@G said:

    Tried to add you but you ignored me. p.s. I’m not Macedonian.

  18. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    added you

  19. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Still need a medic,with a solid 6/5 div experience

  20. dauk said:

    good team if you want to stay forever in div6 and do not improve at all.

  21. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    I won’t conflict with you dauk,because that’s too childish… If you like to act like a kid,please go away from this thread,because you are one immature person.

  22. dauk said:

    yeah sorry forgot to add they will fold anytime now.

  23. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Still being immature like always.

  24. WorR4ck said:

    i wanna try out to be your medic

  25. hollow` said:

    contact Rabb1T via steam for any trails

  26. WorR4ck said:

    yepp added him :)

  27. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:


  28. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Need good soldier RIGHT HERE

  29. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Updated main thread.

  30. Mel said:

    can trial med.

  31. Rabb1T: SnG - SnG said:

    Added Mel
    And daily BUMP. for this thread

  32. cappz: \\/ier ° - -[MG-C]- said:

    good guys . Div 5 glgl