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DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Israel Tarkus

Posted: | Last Online:


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:46893752 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] Retsh0ck
Left GetGood [2v2] CanFo
Left random jews [Highlander] CanFo
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] CanFo
Left Tarkus [1v1] CanFo
Left HmtraHreH`s [6v6 Fun Team] CanFo
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] CanFo
Left Quarantine [6v6] CanFo
Joined Quarantine [6v6] Tarkus
Left zeppelin boys [6v6] Tarkus
Joined zeppelin boys [6v6] Tarkus
Left Team Infused [6v6] Retsh0ck
Joined Team Infused [6v6] Tarkus
Left Damage Control [6v6] Tarkus
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] Tarkus
Joined Israel [National 6v6 Team] Retsh0ck
Joined Damage Control [6v6] Jakle
Joined random jews [Highlander] Tarkus
Left The Last Resort [6v6] Tarkus
Joined The Last Resort [6v6] HYS
Left The eXteam [6v6] doks
Joined The eXteam [6v6] doks
Left Interrobang [6v6] Tarkus
Joined Tarkus [1v1] Tarkus
Joined Interrobang [6v6] Phill Gibbs
Left malka [6v6] Tarkus
Joined HmtraHreH`s [6v6 Fun Team] Tarkus
Joined malka [6v6] barEEE
Left qTp-Gaming [6v6] Tarkus
Joined qTp-Gaming [6v6] Phill Gibbs
Joined GetGood [2v2] Tarkus
Left peace and love [6v6] Tarkus
Joined peace and love [6v6] Phill Gibbs
Left idiotim Team play [6v6] Tarkus
Joined idiotim Team play [6v6] Tarkus
Left Kipodim [Highlander] Tarkus
Left beethoven [6v6] Tarkus
Joined Kipodim [Highlander] JitoN
Joined beethoven [6v6] barEEE
Left beethoven [6v6] barEEE
Joined beethoven [6v6] barEEE
Left NONAME [6v6] Tarkus
Joined NONAME [6v6] ForWard
Left No Mercy [6v6] Tarkus
Joined No Mercy [6v6] MartiNi
Left eNigmatic [6v6] Tarkus
Joined eNigmatic [6v6] Tarkus
Left eNigmatic (one by one) [6v6] Tarkus
Joined eNigmatic (one by one) [6v6] skuzi1
Left Team Moonsters [6v6] barEEE
Joined Team Moonsters [6v6] barEEE
Left rHymez [6v6] RyconE
Joined rHymez [6v6] Tarkus
Left eVolve! [6v6] sc0pe
Joined eVolve! [6v6] sc0pe
Left is a Ninja! [6v6] sc0pe
Joined is a Ninja! [6v6] sc0pe
Left is a Ninja! [6v6] Blob
Joined is a Ninja! [6v6] Tarkus

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1 17 997
View Div 1 18 1153
View Div 2 5 636
View Div 3 28 1041


  1. meph: inc co. said:

    Both are good scouts with a good gameplay and experience.
    Good luck!

  2. Drunkz said:

    dabru iti im atem rozim lol

  3. barEEE said:

    em stam tipeshim em shtem scoutim lo tovim azov

  4. Cizeer said:

    fraggal is cool guy !

  5. Spride: iveR - SOAS said:

    cool guys very mature and responsible, malka is the best

  6. שלום , אני מלכה ואני שוטפת כלים עם הדנשולדרס כי אני טחונה ואני מביא לבני גל 500 שקל כל חודש לבשביל כובעים said:

    נראה אותך מוצץ לרדז נראה אותך אתה מתקרב אני שובר אותך

  7. sKaz: KP said:

    these guys are so funny together XD
    have alot of potential

    should be able to handle div 3 (mid-top old div 3) imo

  8. Bena: iveR - addict! said:

    fraggal might be a div 4 top scout. but tarkus is div 3 as demo, not sure about his scout skills.

    fraggal got future in scout. if he sticks to a team he could be a good player in no time.
    gl in searching

  9. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    idk if div 3, but gl anyways x)

  10. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said: