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ScoutSniper  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European renoB

Posted by MR JOHNSON: | Last Online:

So here we go again! =)

Our second scout Cannady left because of a diminishing interest in the game, and uncertainty of what the future held.

We are a team of merry men, whom all love long walks at the beach.

In some strange fashion we have managed to claw ourselves up to whatever position we now hold, and even with an elaborate love of dicks there is some stability in the team.

You should be a scout capable of quickly adapting to our game style, with good comms and positioning – that is going to be required. We need a scout able to play at a div2 level right now, not someone with potential to do it someday, sorry but we are in a bit of a rush.

Sadly, as a scout partner you are going to have to endure playing with Old_Grandma, and as everyone know that's a truly hurtfull experience, so be strong.

We can also offer a demented jew prone to repeating things and whom has a great love of birds.

Besides that you can find us having a raging medic (sadly not enough); a soldier in Mordi, who someday would like to hit an airshot, and me – that is generally useless.

Now if you can handle this, you have the experience we need; by all means add Fish to your friendlist, me I will just ignore you.

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  1. Cizeer said:

    dicks :*

  2. Ghostface: spire said:

    Mordi & Grandma are dangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrous.


  3. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  4. Fish: UCAP. said:

    join us and get your own penis avatar :o

  5. Mike: TEZC said:

    mordi and vero are really really cool!

  6. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:


  7. Reload: BiG - BiG said:

    Aiming for the stars!

  8. konr said:

    Long shot but I’d like to trial ;p

  9. Cannady: hood said:

    a bunch of funny guys, amazing in game aswell. enjoyed everyday with them and they deserve a good scout .

  10. mrwhizz said:

    Veinshot 8)

  11. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    Damn, too bad Cannady cba anymore! He was a great player. But the rest of this team is easily as great… They improved in an amazingly short time (kinda like us xD) and they deserve a div2/1 capable scout to keep up their level of ownage! GL BABY AIMING FOR THE STJÄRNOR!

  12. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    skeej <3

  13. Erectus: aHn said:

    A tip for the upcoming scout, do as Daniel, aka Old_Grandma does:
    1. Go to mid.
    2. Wait for a “I DID HELL ALOT OF DMG PUSH” (mostly coming from me, ofsure).
    3. React.
    4. Get a good position.
    5. Go for 3’s – em kills man.

  14. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    I quote: “demented jew”

  15. Erectus: aHn said:

    im gonna quote ur face man. im true gangsta, dont m3ss w1th th3 b3st y4 g3t 1t?
    mess with the best, and ull be g0n3 l1k3 th3 r3st.
    u ma m8 m4n, but i don’ go ez eve’ o’ ma friends y4 g0t that?

  16. t1gr3: DStM - DStS said:

    these guys are a bunch of dicks

    couldnt resist a good pun, always nice playing these guys!

  17. fisk: KiH - KiH said:

    Could write an essay on these gays, wait I will

    medic fish, a total radical homo whom I met a long time ago (season 2) when he played in knights and we were rivaling against each other (I played for FADER). They later stole skre from us, who is known as one of the best people of TF2.
    solly vero, ingame leader who is a real nice bloke. He sucks at being mean to people and generally is at the bottom of the scoreboard
    solly mordi, crazy norwegian dude who sucks penises. I hate him!
    demo erectus, a jew from jewrael who is terrible at games. he beasts tho
    scout old_grandma, one of my best friends who totally rapes at games. Really love him

    There you have it, best team ever. Everyone should join!

  18. Fish: UCAP. said:

    please dont add me if you have never played div 2
    please dont add me if your team history is a new team every month loyalty goes a long way
    please do not argue with me saying “i can handle div 2” because you wont win

    we need a scout who is ready to play in div 2 not ready in a few months the right one is out there just needs to add me. I have pics of fisk and they are WORTH it.

  19. [TANG] Merple: [d¿s] - (Q)< said:

    Good team. Shame about grandma..


  20. WAR: GlueEater said:

    is that a reply to konr, fish?

  21. Hildreth: Pander - Pander said:

    Haha, they have a penis as an avatar.

  22. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    i hate you fisk, go and die, and maybe don’t strafe into gully window next time, FUCKER!

  23. Erectus: aHn said:

    “We can also offer a demented jew prone to repeating things and whom has a great love of birds.”
    I repeat things ONLY because i have 300 ping(I feel the troll now: then dont live in israel blahblah, too bad ur internet is stolen[cuz israel=palestine] blahblah and w/e <3 granny).
    I am a bit demented, but it's a good thing?
    I like making birds voice(Bird On Demand.. BOD)
    A bit good at making some doll's voice that only fish is aware of + making a pig voice.
    btw fish u no good, vero u no good, grandma u no best mate, mordi hits airshots more then everyone here(hint: the requitment post says he doesnt – sarcasm!).
    now agent would say: is funny to me?
    i bet no1 else will say that though..

  24. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    Holy hell you mong, are you drunk, or just that into birds?

  25. yin said:

    they like penis alotta :x mordi si carry beast jsut never on the start :p agent O is a sick solly

  26. Atty: ORKZORKZORKZORK said:

    agent 0 bff

  27. yin said:

    atty rape machine :x comn guys trial for them

  28. poxie said:

    wayneshot 8~)

  29. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    is funny to me.
    <3 erectus although I won't sit next to him in engilsh classes :|
    good luck you cocks

  30. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    “agent O is a sick solly” trololololol

  31. The Monopoly Guy: spire said:

    What a noob. Everyone knows that Agent O plays Scout

  32. Dummy! said:

    mordis just the fuzziest little thing ever

  33. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    no u

  34. Dummy! said:
