ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

European unity_

Posted by kitas: | Last Online:

Hello, searching for BACKUP allrounder (ALLROUNDER MEANS THAT U CAN PLAY NOT ONLY ONE CLASS). Mostly we'll need you in weekends. You would play 2-4 times in a week depends of situation. No need medic, because Kubex is super active. But if you can play as medic it inst a problem. Mostly what we need is Demoman, then solly and then scout, prolly.
Be sure that u can play demo.
Anyway if u will do it well, u should be nice person too. And if u are polish, please dont talk it with kubex it is sooooooo annoying.

About us – Dakka community team, we have a server, we're div5 in ETF2L and div4 in ESL, playin almost every day 20-22.30 CEST.

thx for reading.

P.S I'm killing people in Africa.

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  1. Su1c1deR said:


  2. Dagon said:

    lol what a rude post, kitas u noob :(. Guys just give us a try, we’re a good team going really well in 5 div, we can handle for sure a 4 div.

  3. Frix: LG said:

    this team is awesome would really recommend. Div 4 really. Good luck guys

  4. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:


  5. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    update btw

  6. DIEVAS1 said:

    kitas owns

  7. Hyde S: maksa said:

    oh my god, thats the first time i laughed on something what kitas wrote/said (but actually its exteel’s ps). “super active” :DDDD you are far too polite

  8. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    wtf hyde where are u? when u will come back?

  9. atomic said:

    awesome team!They have very good players,who are growing so fast,also they have awesome soldierrrr – sexteel <3 :)So cmon join them :)

  10. gold: ympocucked said:

    Hyde u mean, super active = no life
    And if u can speak polish, you’re already with us:D THEY LOVE IT.

    GUYS, dont add kitas if u cant handle 4 div lvl at least(except polish), pls:)

  11. Ghostface: spire said:

    What happened to Lukas?

  12. atomic said:

    ye,where is Lukas?What you did with him?

  13. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:

    We were trialing him, and we dont like him, thats story.

  14. gold: ympocucked said:


    and ALL IS CLEAR

  15. Hyde S: maksa said:

    @kitas: it seems like youre blind, i left a messeage (steam group), check it.

  16. Kinyu: popkõrns said:

    Pretty decent if suicider stops dying ))))

  17. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:


  18. Coco: [d¿s] said:

    Pretty sick team, they are div4 for sure, with their full line-up they can beat some div3 teams too!
    Someone has to go for them because it’s the opportunity to go high in a short time :)
    Gl guys

    PS. Dagon is a beast apparently

  19. Exteel said:

    Omg,KUBEX :DDD Best song ever :D And thx atom1c* <3

  20. Drozdzers said:


  21. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:


  22. DIEVAS1 said:


  23. Su1c1deR said:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw3FY3twBV0 JA PERSONA VIP VIP UMINA HEST GIP GIP

  24. kitas: mi6 - BANZAI said:


  25. DIEVAS1 said:

    Negreiciau po viena susirinkt?