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DemomanMedicPyroScoutSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Italy ooKami

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a div 6 european team who can offer a spot for a backup multiclass player.
I want to play backup because i won't have the time to do pcws,mixes and stuff, because of my work.

I'm mainly a scout(played at div 4 level) but i can handle all other classes at at least div 5 level.
I have experience,good gamesense and i'm not a rager.

Contact me on steam : ooKami990

No italian teams plz.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:72264827 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left DeadLine [6v6] ooKami
Joined DeadLine [6v6] Stuppa
Left NONAME [6v6] ooKami
Joined NONAME [6v6] ForWard
Left Hive [6v6] Square
Joined Hive [6v6] Square
Left Package Deliverers [6v6] AnDry
Joined Package Deliverers [6v6] AnDry
Left Wide range manufacturers [6v6] ooKami
Joined Wide range manufacturers [6v6] ooKami
Left He is THAT good! [6v6] ooKami
Left Over Nine THOUSASSSSSND [LAN Team] AnDry
Joined He is THAT good! [6v6] Clog Life
Left He is THAT good! [6v6] ooKami
Left NGI Highlander [Highlander] TmDevice
Joined He is THAT good! [6v6] Clog Life
Left Audere Semper eSports [6v6] ooKami
Joined Over Nine THOUSASSSSSND [LAN Team] AnDry
Joined NGI Highlander [Highlander] AnDry
Joined Audere Semper eSports [6v6] AnDry
Left NoLuckOnlySkill [6v6] ooKami
Joined NoLuckOnlySkill [6v6] ooKami
Left The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] ooKami
Joined The GoVernative Team Green Squad [6v6] ooKami

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4/Div 5 1 381
View Div 5/Div 6 3 208
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  1. Smofo said:

    Has gotten really pro since he moved to sweden, must be something in the water or their food.
    (also realy nice)

  2. Nisa said:

    ooKAMI is a good player and a good person to play with

  3. Weiman said:

    Very nice, well mannered player :)

  4. Tarkus: aHn said:

    nice guy , Great aim div 4 for sure

  5. Hyde S: maksa said:

    Good guy with good communication and gamesense. GL

  6. ooKami said:

    Still searchin :/