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Scout  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Ireland NoJu

Posted: | Last Online:

After being busy with life and school work, I've got the time to get back to playing properly at this level, instead of simply having time to merc.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34149425 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined 8===D [6v6] samiface
Left Meat Department [6v6] NoJu
Joined Meat Department [6v6] Candy
Left Royal [6v6] NoJu
Left Ireland [National 6v6 Team] Admirable
Left Ireland [National Highlander Team] b33p
Joined Royal [6v6] NoJu
Left DarkSiders [6v6 Fun Team] NoJu
Left cake [6v6] NoJu
Joined DarkSiders [6v6 Fun Team] NoJu
Joined Ireland [National 6v6 Team] NoJu
Joined cake [6v6] NoJu
Left The Dandy Lions [6v6] NoJu
Joined Ireland [National Highlander Team] NoJu
Joined Fuckin' Lollipops [2v2] NoJu
Joined The Dandy Lions [6v6] NoJu
Left KOALAPUNCH [6v6] NoJu
Joined KOALAPUNCH [6v6] NoJu
Left The Dandy Lions [6v6] NoJu
Joined The Dandy Lions [6v6] NoJu
Left PICMG 1.3 SHB Express Resources [6v6] NoJu
Joined PICMG 1.3 SHB Express Resources [6v6] NoJu
Left Equivocation [6v6] Snake597
Joined Equivocation [6v6] NoJu
Left DEADstock [6v6] NoJu
Joined Beer and Rockets [LAN Team] dougiie
Joined DEADstock [6v6] NoJu
Left Sex on a stick [2v2] NoJu
Left tbh, we lagged [6v6 Fun Team] NoJu
Left DEADstock [6v6] NoJu
Joined Noju [1v1] NoJu
Joined DEADstock [6v6] NoJu
Left Rock, Paper, Scissors [6v6] NoJu
Joined tbh, we lagged [6v6 Fun Team] ilike2spin
Joined Sex on a stick [2v2] ilike2spin
Joined Rock, Paper, Scissors [6v6] ilike2spin

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2/Div 3 6 283
View Div 3 0 79
View Div 2/Div 3 9 335
View Div 2 11 333
View Div 4 19 591
View Div 4/Div 5 7 221


  1. dougiie: CotC said:

    2 might be a push. defo has alot of potential! gl man

  2. Candy: MEAT said:

    Noju is a lovely person and scout =D
    always fun to play with and have in mumble!
    get him ppl!<3

  3. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Absolute beast, can easily manage div 2 and beyond once he’s got back into the routine of playing with a full time team, best of luck mate.

  4. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    Lovely, sexy, Irish leprechaun will make all your dreams come true and more

  5. Black_Bob: [DA] said:

    Known him for years great player, good skill, loud on voice servers and quiet at lan!

  6. Sacrilege: Mq. said:

    noju is a lovely person, very nice guy, I wish i could have played the season with him. goo luck in div2 mate

  7. Danzeru: Royal` - MAD said:

    Awesome scout, awesome caller, awesome guy, awesome awesome.

  8. Jakle said:

    Pro aim, pro calls and sense, div-p accent and just plain fun to play with.

  9. Tobyy: TEZC - Pixie <3 said:

    Absolute beast
    Gl man, hope you get the team you deserve!

  10. Desann: Royal` - Argo said:

    The greatest of all! Capable to play leader scout, has good cooms and pro aim. One of the best guys i have met during my TF2 career, if not the best. I would name my scatter after him if I had a name tag.

    Also: <3

  11. NoJu: 8D said:

    <3 Desann babe.

    My scatter is actually named Desann in his honour.

  12. Wabby said:

    Sick guy pick him up or he’ll come round to your house at night and stuff his pottoes where the sun dont shine :(((

  13. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Sun doesn’t shine anywhere at night where I live.