ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


PyroSniper  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International Dexeldragon

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I've played Highlander and 6v6 Tournaments on several different league occasions; UCLeague.com, Here, Cevo, and TWL. I've done a lot. I play SCOUT and SNIPER incredibly well. I am very dedicated, I will help pay for things, I will help support team mates, I will help make changes

Age: 16
Location: Maine, United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Time Available: Whenever you need me on.

What I can Offer:
-Dedication: I will be on when you need me, no matter the time
-Perseverance: I will continuously practice until I get something right, or improve on what I was requested to improve on.
-Leadership: I am a very vocal person during times of need, I always share information when it is helpful to the entire team.
-Practice: I practice in TF2 Lobbies all day when I am not Scrimming and such.

What I can offer for actual Team Use:
1 TF2 Server (24 Slots)
512 Team Speak Server
I can set up a Mumble Server
Possible Website/Forum
And a few other tech-nerd things.

What I want:
I want a team that is dedicated, reliable and serious. I hope that a team I am in shows the same attitude that I show, everything above. I want to win, so I will do what it takes to steer myself towards the best path, and I hope everybody else will do the same.

Email: [email protected]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dexeldragon

User Profile | SteamID: Add Friend

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