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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Jakle

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I have left my previous team as I felt that as a demo, I wasn't mixing very well with the rest of the team, who I am still on great terms with and wish them all the best in div4.

I main soldier, do not consider set pocket or roaming roles to be particularly helpful and that a soldier should be more flexible, but feel that I could fit either role if desired.
I only have seasonal experience in div5 but feel that I play at a mid-/mid standard.
I would like a solid/top div 4 team or, if a team is already solid div 3 and know what they need, feel that I could be brought up to an average div 3 level.

I am trialing for a couple of teams of friends but would like to check if any other teams are looking so that I am more likely to find one to stick with in the long run.
Play the game all day, everyday.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:32933013 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Strykers [6v6] Larath
Joined Strykers [6v6] Larath
Left Get This Done [6v6] Xearo
Joined Get This Done [6v6] Jakle
Left SOLAR [6v6] vani
Joined SOLAR [6v6] Jakle
Left Grusrus [6v6] Jakle
Joined Grusrus [6v6] Jakle
Left Royal [6v6] Jakle
Joined Royal [6v6] Jakle
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Jakle
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Jakle
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Jakle
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] Jakle
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Jakle
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Jakle
Left Waifu Warriors [6v6] Jakle
Joined Waifu Warriors [6v6] Jakle
Left Damage Control [6v6] Jakle
Left euro destroyers [Highlander] m4risa
Joined euro destroyers [Highlander] m4risa
Left The mantrain to Japan [Highlander] Jakle
Joined Damage Control [6v6] Jakle
Left Team Colonslash: ??? [6v6] Jakle
Joined Team Colonslash: ??? [6v6] Jakle
Left Fragmative [6v6] Jakle
Joined Fragmative [6v6] BaTMaN
Left PICMG 1.3 SHB Express Resources [6v6] Jakle
Joined PICMG 1.3 SHB Express Resources [6v6] Sacrilege
Left DEADstock [6v6] Jakle
Joined The mantrain to Japan [Highlander] Jakle
Joined DEADstock [6v6] ilike2spin
Left SCLUB7 [6v6] Jakle
Joined SHOWER BULLIES [2v2] Jakle
Joined SCLUB7 [6v6] Jakle
Left STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Joined STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Left Leviathan [6v6] caned
Joined Leviathan [6v6] Jakle
Left Vuze.TF2 [6v6] Jakle
Joined Vuze.TF2 [6v6] Jakle
Left Leviathan [6v6] Jakle
Joined Leviathan [6v6] Jakle
Left STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Joined STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Left Jakkel Brigade [6v6] Jakle
Joined Jakkel Brigade [6v6] Jakle
Left STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Joined STEGVISION [6v6] Mari
Left STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle
Joined STEGVISION [6v6] Jakle

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  1. Jakle said:

    Add me on steam or Jakle@qnet

  2. poxie said:

    Propper underrated player, has good solid aim.

    When I played against him he performed roles of pocket and roam, excellently – protected his medic annoyingly well.


  3. caneD: MEAT - LEGO said:

    Don’t think he’s very well known (not sure) but he’s definitely a sick soldier with great aim, good calls, and good response to calls. We’d totally have him if we weren’t full.

    Good team player, definitely div3 pick him up.

  4. _Ben: ;? said:

    fucking beast dm dno about gamesense, definately a talent though

  5. jakko said:

    Underrated and MADS LIKE A BOSS at LoL :D

  6. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    this faggot never misses an airshot

  7. Ghostface: spire said:


  8. Stairs: -[S2L] said:

    div3 at least. also a lovely person :3

  9. Fantomen: nandos said:

    Beast soldier and a great guy